Coronavirus: Shropshire residents encouraged to ‘Stay Local’ over the Easter break
Residents in Shropshire are being encouraged to stay local over the Easter period – and follow the latest Government guidance.
While new COVID-19 cases in Shropshire remain some of the lowest in the West Midlands, Shropshire Council’s public health team is urging people to be cautious – and help avoid a spike in new cases.
Under the Government’s roadmap for easing the third Lockdown restrictions:
- People can meet outside, including in private gardens, either with one other household, or as a group up to 6 people (Rule of 6).
- People are encouraged to ‘stay local’ and to keep travel to a minimum.
- Outdoor sports facilities such as golf courses and tennis courts can reopen, and organised outdoor sport can take place.
- Outdoor parent and child groups are allowed with up to 15 attendees (children under 5 are not counted in this limit).
Rachel Robinson, Shropshire Council’s director of public health, said:-
“This week’s easing of restrictions is the positive result of everyone’s hard work to stop the spread of the virus and reduce the number of COVID-19 cases.
“Everyone across Shropshire has gone to remarkable lengths to protect themselves, their loved ones and our most vulnerable, and we are truly grateful for the way in which communities have united to support each other through the restrictions.
“In the run up to Easter, people will need to remember that the Government guidance is to stay local. There should be no long-distance travelling or overnight stays, which includes single households staying in a second home. The Government guidance also makes it clear that non-essential shops, restaurants and bars will still be closed, with very limited takeaway outlets open.
“While many will be delighted that they can once again see friends and family again, I would urge everyone to continue following public health guidance, such as practising social distancing, when meeting others.
“We also ask our own residents thinking of travelling within Shropshire to take extra care, and to show our local communities respect and courtesy. This includes the simple things like parking responsibly, respecting the countryside and taking litter away.”
Step Up and help us stop the spread of coronavirus:
- Work from home, if you can
- Stick to the Rule of 6 and social distancing when meeting outdoors
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has symptoms
- Wear a face covering in indoor settings (food shops, workplaces) where social distancing may be more difficult, and where you may come close to people who are not part of your household or bubble.
- Anyone who has any symptoms should book a test and not leave home for at least 10 days. Those living in households should self-isolate for 10 days if they or any members of the household receive a positive test.
For local advice and support during the pandemic (especially if you are self-isolating), call Shropshire Council’s COVID-19 Helpline on 0345 678 9028 – option 0 (lines open throughout the week 9am-5pm, and on the weekend on Saturdays from 9am-4pm and Sundays 9am-12pm) or visit our website at