Want to help shape the future of your local community?
Shropshire Council is encouraging those who haven’t already to have their say on a draft Community and Rural Strategy designed to reflect the rural nature of our county, and to set out shared priorities for the future.
The deadline for feedback is Sunday 6 December 2020.
In the summer of 2019 Shropshire Council started work with a range of partner organisations to develop an evidence base and identify shared priorities. Workshops were held with town councils, parish councils, councillors, voluntary and community sector groups and organisations and Shropshire Business Board to consider the issues most important to our local communities. The data, information and feedback obtained from across the county has been used to inform the draft Community and Rural Strategy.
It is a high-level framework strategy which highlights many of the priorities that will be built into other local strategies and delivery plans such as the council’s developing Leisure Strategy and draft Cultural Strategy.
Gwilym Butler, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for communities, place planning and regulatory services, said:
“Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone who has responded so far – your comments are greatly appreciated.
“There’s still time to have your say so I’d encourage you to take a few minutes of your time to get involved and help shape the final strategy that we adopt early next year.”
The eight-week consultation aims to build on the engagement work undertaken to date, and allow the public and a wider range of local stakeholders to comment on the draft document.
All feedback will be considered, and any changes proposed, to allow a final document to be formally agreed by Shropshire Council’s Cabinet in early 2021.
Feedback will be collected through a survey or email/post. People can find out more about how to have their say here: https://www.shropshire.gov.uk/get-involved/community-and-rural-strategy-2020/