Coronavirus: Mental health support still available during pandemic for children, young people and families
Shropshire Council is reminding children, young people and families that support is still available during the coronavirus pandemic. Mental Health Awareness Week ended last week but the importance of looking after our own and others’ mental health all year round continues.
The pandemic has affected everyone, including our children and young people. Good mental health is vital, as it allows children and young people to develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them, and grow into healthy adults.
In Shropshire, support and information is still available and includes:
- Bee U:The emotional health and wellbeing service for people, up to the age of 25, living in Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin. The website provides more information about what is available and how the service is still operating albeit in an alternative way.”>
- Public Health Nursing Service: The Public Health Nursing Service includes; school nurses, health visitors and Family Nurse Partnership. The website provides more information and contact details.
- The SEND Local Offer is a single place for information, services, and resources for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and / or disabilities, their families, and the practitioners who support them. The website contains coronavirus specific information which can be found here:
- Shropshire Council’s parenting team is continuing their service of telephone consultations. Parents and carers can simply call the office on 01743 250950or email to arrange a consultation at a time convenient to them.
- Shropshire Council’s website has coronavirus information pages which contain specific resources to support children, young people and families during this difficult time. Visit the pages at
Rachel Robinson, Shropshire Council’s director of public health, said:-
“Good mental health is as important as our physical health, and the coronavirus pandemic has impacted us all in different ways. The key is be able to talk, listen and support young people. We must provide space for children to talk openly about how they are feeling, to acknowledge those feelings and most importantly listen. We know this isn’t always easy, and help and support is still available.”
Keep informed and sign up to our daily coronavirus email updates
Shropshire Council wants to keep you as up to date and informed as possible. To help us do this, we have developed a coronavirus update that will be sent daily at 8pm via email to anyone who has signed up to our e-bulletins.
This update includes the day’s key Shropshire Council news, and some key news from our partners, relating to coronavirus-linked issues. Please click here to sign up for the updates.
Please do encourage your family and friends to sign up to the updates too. This will help us keep everyone up to date with the rapidly-evolving crisis.