Climate action key consideration in council decisions
Climate change appraisals have been made a compulsory element of Cabinet papers at Shropshire Council, forcing the issue to be considered in all major decisions.
In May 2019, Shropshire Council declared a climate emergency.
The move means that carbon management and climate action have to be considered as part of the council’s decision-making process and embeds climate change within operations.
The decision to implement this course of action comes as the council works to reduce its own carbon footprint.
Dean Carroll, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for adult social care, public health and climate change, said:
Shropshire Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and approved a climate change strategy framework.
Including climate change as a mandatory element of Cabinet reports shows that the council is taking measures to embed climate change within operations and normalise it as a key consideration for all projects. It will support the council in reducing its own carbon footprint and help drive us to be carbon net zero by 2030.
Embedding the issue in the council’s corporate governance is an important step forward, and one that has not yet been widely adopted by others.
Electricity in all council-owned buildings is already 100% powered by green energy. In addition, the council has recently committed to investing £6.5m in replacing streetlighting with more energy efficient LED lighting, but there is much more to do.
Since 2013, Shropshire Council has reduced its carbon footprint by 25%.
For more information about climate change at Shropshire Council, you can visit