Shropshire’s care providers rated ‘Outstanding’
A further four Shropshire domiciliary care providers, commissioned by Shropshire Council to support people in their own homes, have recently been rated ‘Outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission.
Salopian Care based in Market Drayton support people across north Shropshire. The inspection took place in July 2019 and was published in October 2019.
The inspection found that “People received a service which was exceptionally responsive to their needs and preferences. Staff went above and beyond to ensure people’s needs and lifestyle choices were respected.”
Amy Davidson, Salopian’s registered manager is very proud of the rating, and said:-
“Putting people first, a motto our business uses regularly to describe our services, has really paid off after CQC rated us to be Outstanding in their recent inspection.”
Positive Steps Limited, based in Shrewsbury, mainly support people with learning disabilities and autism; they were inspected in August this year and the report was published in October 2019.
The inspection found that “The management team planned and promoted holistic, person-centred, high-quality care resulting in excellent outcomes for people. We saw excellent examples of how the care and support people received enriched their lives through meaningful activities.”
Diane Phillips and Alison Glover, directors of Positive Steps, said:-
“We’re truly delighted to have been rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission – it’s a wonderful achievement for us and we’re very proud of our incredible team who’ve made this possible.”
TLC Care at Home, who support people in south east Shropshire and beyond, were inspected in September this year; the report was published this month. The inspection found that “The management team and staff consistently went the extra mile and followed the ethos of ‘giving something back’. There was innovative use of technology to improve people’s safety and people’s health and well-being outcomes.”
Jacqui Jackson, Registered Manager, said:
“This is an absolutely fantastic result for not only the dedicated, caring and professional staff but for the clients too.”
AStar, who operate from Whitchurch, were inspected in October this year and the report was published this month. The inspection found that “People had improved their health and wellbeing through the support of staff. There was a strong focus on encouraging people to maintain or regain their independence which had achieved positive outcomes for people.”

Adult social care
They join a number of other care providers in Shropshire who have achieved this prestigious rating.
Andy Begley, Shropshire Council’s director of adult social care and housing, said:_
“We are very fortunate here in Shropshire to have many good providers of care who enable people to live in their own homes for as long as possible. It takes a huge amount of hard work and commitment to achieve an Outstanding rating, and is a measure of the fantastic service provided to the people they support. It is great to see further positive recognition for the sector locally.”
Nicki Jacques, chief officer of Shropshire Partners in Care (SPIC), who represent care providers in Shropshire, said:-
“It is excellent to see Positive Steps, Salopian Care and AStar join fellow domiciliary care providers AllCare Shropshire Limited, SureCare Shropshire and Allenby Douglas Ltd in the top 4% of adult social care services in England rated as Outstanding.
“It is wonderful to see that the hard work, dedication and commitment of the managers and all their staff has been recognised with this highest rating, it’s important to recognise where care is good, and to celebrate the services that are getting it right and who ensure the support they provide every single day is safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led.”
Shropshire Choices Support Finder can help you find the support that is right for you or a loved one and provides a wide range of information about the adult care system:-