Decisions made by South planning committee on 30 July 2019
The following decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s South planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Tuesday 30 July 2019.
Meadowtown Farm, Meadowtown, Shrewsbury, SY5 0DZ (18/03093/FUL) Conversion of two agricultural buildings into four holiday letting units, change of use of further agricultural building into stables, formation of manege, alterations to existing vehicular access and formation of parking areas.
Deferred to a future meeting to enable the applicant to reconsider the design and layout, provide clarity regarding the removal of construction/demolition waste from the site and confirmation regarding proposed equestrian operations, i.e. whether holiday makers would have use of applicant’s horses or will they be bringing their own onto site.
Proposed dwelling to the north of Stiperstones, Snailbeach (18/04662/FUL) Erection of dwelling and detached garage.
That, as per the officer’s recommendation, planning permission be refused for the following reasons:
- The site lies beyond the established built-up area of Stiperstones village, in open countryside where, in the absence of any exceptional circumstances or evidence that the settlement housing guideline is unlikely to be met, a new open-market dwelling would fundamentally conflict with Policies CS1, CS4, CS5 and CS11 of the Shropshire Local Development Framework Adopted Core Strategy and Policies MD1, MD3, MD7a and S2 of the Shropshire Council Site Allocations and Management of Development Plan. Whilst the scheme might deliver some economic and social benefits these would be very modest and equally applicable to other more sustainable and policy-compliant sites within the designated settlements, and hence would not outweigh the disadvantages.
- On account of the site’s physical and visual separation from the established housing to the south and east, and also its prominence in elevated views from the east, the proposed dwelling would detract from the essentially open, verdant character and scenic quality of the Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework, Policies CS6 and CS17 of the Shropshire Local Development Framework Adopted Core Strategy, and Policies MD2 and MD12 of the Shropshire Council Site Allocations and Management of Development Plan.
5 Cape Street, Broseley, TF12 5NQ (18/05657/FUL) Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the erection of a front extension (amended description).
That, contrary to the officer’s recommendation, planning permission be refused for the following reasons:
- The front extension, by reason of its location forward of the front elevation, the linkage of the brick boundary wall to the dwelling by a high brick wall and timber clad form with a shallow dual pitch roof elements of the structure, would not be in keeping with the existing property and would detract from the character and appearance of the Broseley Conservation Area, contrary to Shropshire Core Strategy policies CS6 and CS17, Site Allocations and Management of Development (SAMDev) Plan policies MD2 and MD13, and paragraphs 192 and 200 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
Proposed dwellings east of Doddington (18/05739/FUL) Erection of 2no. dwellings; formation of access and installation of package treatment plant and temporary siting of caravan.
That, as per the officer’s recommendation, planning permission be granted, subject to:
- The agreement of the structural design of the bridges
- The conditions set out in Appendix 1; and
Delegated authority be granted to the Area Planning Manager to add/amend conditions to require further details of the bridge construction if necessary.
Royal Oak, Alveley, WV15 6LL (19/01487/FUL) Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the erection of toilet block, shower block and change of use to glamping and touring caravan site.
That, as per the officer’s recommendation, planning permission be refused for the following reasons:
- It is acknowledged that the proposed development would contribute to the rural economy, assist in the viability of the Public House and contribute to the role of Shropshire as a tourist destination to stay. However these benefits are considered to be outweighed by the harm the openness of the Green Belt and be at odds with one of the five purposes of the Green Belt, namely safeguarding the countryside from encroachment. No very special circumstances have been demonstrated or exist that would be of sufficient weight to justify inappropriate development in the Green Belt. The development would therefore be contrary to the adopted Core Strategy policy CS5, SAMDev policy MD6 and the guidance set out in the National Planning Policy Framework Part 13.
- Notwithstanding the above, the benefits of proposed development are considered to be outweighed by the environmental harm. The introduction of the structures proposed would appear as incongruous additions to the area and as such would result in a detrimental impact upon the character and appearance of the area. Accordingly, the proposed development is contrary to Local Plan policies CS5, CS6, CS16 & CS17 of the adopted Core Strategy and policies MD2, MD11, MD12 of the SAMDev and national guidance contained within the NPPF, in particular paragraphs 83 and 110.
For further information relating to the decisions go to our online planning register and search for the application by using the reference number or keyword.