Decisions made by Central planning committee on 9 May 2019
The following decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s Central planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Thursday 9 May 2019.
The Stew, Frankwell, Shrewsbury (17/05538/FUL) Proposed refurbishment, extension and conversion of the Stew into 7 no. apartments, office, spa / leisure, coffee shop and garages.
That authority to grant planning permission be delegated to the Head of Planning Services subject to:
- The conditions recommended in appendix 1 and any minor modifications to these conditions deemed necessary; and
- The signing of a Section 106 agreement to secure a contribution towards flood maintenance.
Car park, The Dana, Shrewsbury (18/03206/FUL) Erection of residential building providing ten apartments following demolition of existing prison reception building; formation of associated car parking, cycle parking and shared storage space; landscaping scheme; revised vehicle and pedestrian access.
That planning permission be granted as per the officer’s recommendation subject to:
- The conditions set out in Appendix 1; and
- That Condition 8 be amended to ensure that the condition was implemented prior to occupation of the building.
Residential development land adjacent Chronicle House, Chester Street, Shrewsbury (19/01500/FUL) Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the erection of a sixth floor to provide a roof top conservatory with glazed ballustrading (revised scheme).
That planning permission be refused for the reason given within the officer’s report and the additional reason within the additional letters schedule.
Proposed affordable dwelling south of Woodfield, Cruckton, Shrewsbury (19/01303/OUT) Outline application for the erection of one (affordable) dwelling to include access.
That consideration of the application be deferred to a future meeting of this Committee at the request of the agent, local councillor and parish council to allow for information to be provided in relation to the location of the site and its relationship to Cruckton.
Maesbrook Nursing Home, Church Road, Shrewsbury (19/01132/FUL) Erection of first floor extensions to north east part of main building to create additional bedrooms; link corridor to additional bedrooms in roofspace with increase in height of roof and insertion of rooflights (revised scheme to include raise ridge height on approved extension to annex roof with fire escape from new first floor link bridge together with zinc roof line raised).
That consideration of the application be deferred to a future meeting of this Committee to allow for information to be provided in relation to the impact of the development on the protected Copper Beech tree in an adjoining property.
80 Upper Road, Shrewsbury (19/00660/FUL) Erection of first floor extension to side over existing garage, alterations to window material to side and rear elevations, addition of dormer window to rear elevation.
That planning permission be granted as per the officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1.
For further information relating to the decisions go to our online planning register and search for the application by using the reference number or keyword.