Cabinet asked to endorse final version of the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan
Shropshire Council’s Cabinet will be asked to endorse the final version of an innovative plan which will help to shape the future of Shrewsbury, and benefit Shropshire more widely, at a meeting of Cabinet next week (Wednesday 7 November 2018) – click here for report.
The Shrewsbury Big Town Plan is a framework that sets the vision, aims and aspirations for Shrewsbury.
The Big Town Plan has been led by Shropshire Council, Shrewsbury Town Council and Shrewsbury Business Improvement District (BID), and this final version is a result of extensive public and stakeholder consultation carried out over the last 18 months.
In order to achieve this, the next stage is the creation of five strategy and action plans. The intention of all five strategies is to investigate and assess the feasibility and delivery of the outcomes needed for the town and identified within the plan.
The delivery strategies will be based on the four key themes of: movement and place; place for enterprise; vitality, life and mix; and natural Shrewsbury; and they will underpin subsequent delivery and action plans.
Nic Laurens, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for economic growth, said:
“We’ve taken a completely different approach with this plan and I’m pleased to say that working together has enabled us to create something which is exciting, ambitious and, more importantly, has the backing of residents, visitors and our partners.
“Its timing is excellent – Shrewsbury is ahead of the curve and has taken a proactive approach ensuring alignment with the Local Plan Review, emerging Local Transport Plan and the Shrewsbury Place Plan. Also, ensuring it is also embedded in the next Marches Local Enterprise Partnership Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) and wider regional plans will remain a key priority.
“However, it’s not just for the benefit of Shrewsbury. This plan and the process has created a blueprint for other towns in Shropshire, and across the country. I am passionate to see our key stakeholders within our market towns collaborate on their visions and drive their economies forward for the overall benefit of a growing and vibrant Shropshire – that is an even greater place to live, work, visit and invest.”
Councillor Alan Mosley, Shrewsbury Town Council’s Leader, said:
“Shrewsbury Town Council has been closely involved in developing the Plan from inception and we wholeheartedly support the concept and the proposed framework for future developments. The levels of interest and support from stakeholders and public at large has been tremendous and augurs well for a very bright and successful future throughout our great town.”
“We now look forward to working with others in key areas and are committed to ensuring positive progress over the years while insisting on meaningful consultation with all residents.”
Seb Slater, Executive Director of Shrewsbury BID, said:
“Collaboration between Shropshire Council, Shrewsbury Town Council and Shrewsbury BID on this shared vision and Big Town Plan is important to the future vitality of the town. As we approach the start of our second five-year term, we look forward to continued partnership working to attract new investment and see delivery of exciting new projects on the ground.”
The Big Town Plan will be reviewed annually, in February of each year during the Darwin Festival, to ensure that the plan remains relevant and is reviewed and disseminated and its success celebrated as appropriate.