Soulton Bridge near Wem repair work to begin on 3 September 2018
Accident damage bridge repair works to Soulton Bridge, which carries the B5065 over Soulton Brook, to the north-east of Wem, will start on Monday 3 September 2018.
The bridge parapet was extensively damaged in early November 2017 after a heavy goods vehicle collided with the upstream parapet of the bridge resulting in severe damage to the bridge spandrel and parapet. Traffic lights were erected in November 2017 and have remained in place since.
The repair works will involve rebuilding the upstream parapet and elevation using predominantly new stone, general repointing of the structure in lime mortar and resurfacing of the carriageway over the bridge.
Unfortunately, in order to carry out the proposed work safely it will be necessary to close the bridge to vehicular traffic. The work is expected to last for up to six weeks.
Due to the nature of the repairs a road closure and traffic diversion will be required for the duration of the work. The planned diversion route will be from the B5065 onto the A49 back towards Shrewsbury then onto the B5063 into Wem and back onto the B5065 and vice versa. Access to frontages will be maintained up to the bridge closure. Access over the bridge for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will remain available throughout the work.
Inevitably there will be some disruption during this work, for which we apologise in advance.
Regular updates on work progress will be made available on a weekly basis through the council’s website, which will have a dedicated roadworks page for the Soulton Bridge works at
Steve Davenport, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for highways and transport, said:
“The bridge closure is required to carry out essential repairs following the accident damage caused in November last year. Road users should anticipate significant traffic delays and disruption and are being advised to seek alternative routes, wherever possible, and allow additional journey times. The council will be working collaboratively with all stakeholders and its appointed contractors to ensure the works minimise delays to all road users.”