Upgrading of Pride Hill in Shrewsbury set to begin on 30 April 2018
Work to upgrade and enhance Pride Hill in Shrewsbury is set to begin on Monday 30 April [2018].
The work will start once the current programme of gas main works on Pride Hill comes to an end, and is due to completed by early November.

Pride Hill, Shrewsbury
Work will include:
- Resurfacing the pedestrianised area with high-quality materials to reinforce the character of the street;
- Replacing existing street furniture to reflect the proposed high quality finish;
- Reducing street clutter;
- Improving pedestrian connections at either end of the street;
- Emphasising key access points with the street with the use of informal banding;
- Enhancing the setting of High Cross.
Work will be carried out by Casey’s, Shropshire Council’s contractor.
Access to properties will be maintained at all times, with temporary pedestrian walkways being implemented where required. The contractor will have pedestrian ambassadors and a public liaison officer on-site to assist with enquiries and access arrangements for deliveries during the construction works.
Steve Davenport, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for highways and transport, said:
“As the primary shopping street in the town centre, the physical upgrading of Pride Hill is key to improving the public and urban realm for Shrewsbury. We thank people for their understanding while this important work is carried out, and they will see a significant and notable improvement once the work is complete.”
The work is the start of a programme of enhancement works in Shrewsbury town centre being carried out as part of the Shrewsbury Integrated Transport Package (SITP), which aim to make a positive and consistent change to the quality of the public realm within Shrewsbury town centre.
Future work will include:
- ‘Light touch’ enhancement of existing spaces at The Square;
- ‘High Street style’ improvements at Mardol and Roushill;
- Junction improvements at Dogpole, Town Walls / Belmont, Murivance / Swan Hill, Murivance / St. John’s Hill, Murivance / Quarry and Mardol / Smithfield Road;
- Junction improvements at Bellstone / Shoplatch and Mardol / Roushill;
- College Zone at Claremont Bank.
More information about the work and the Shrewsbury Integrated Transport Package can be found at shropshire.gov.uk/sitp.
Further information
The improvements in the town centre will incorporate a range of traffic management and public realm enhancements as a part of the overall SITP.
The aims of these improvements closely align with the objectives for the overall package, these being to:
- Discourage through-traffic from using the town centre;
- Create a pedestrian-friendly town centre environment, with an increase in footfall;
- Reduce the number and severity of accidents;
- Promote economic vitality and attract investment, and
- Ultimately create a heightened sense of place and wellbeing.
The proposed public realm improvements link with these measures and aim to make a positive and consistent change to the quality of the public realm within Shrewsbury town centre.