16/01/2018 - Permalink

Decisions made by North planning committee on 9 January 2018

Related topics: Community / Democracy / Planning

The following decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s North planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Tuesday 9 January 2018.

  • Land south east of Rosedale, Maesbrook, Oswestry, SY10 8QN (17/04401/FUL) Erection of an affordable dwelling with detached garage/store and formation of vehicular access. Decision: That determination of the application be deferred to allow for further negotiations with the applicant in relation to the siting, scale and design of the plot and if an acceptable solution can be found, delegated powers be given to officers to approve the application.
  • Barn to the south of Lee, Ellesmere (17/04613/FUL) Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act for the erection of 1No dwelling; erection of detached storage building; change of use of agricultural land to domestic residential use; realignment of existing vehicular access track and installation of package treatment plant (amended scheme). Decision: That planning permission be refused, in accordance with the officer’s recommendation, for the following reason: The development site fails to be located within or adjacent to an area identified for additional sustainable residential development in accordance with Shropshire’s strategic approach and the main aims of the National Planning Policy Framework. As a result, the site is considered as being within open-countryside, where strict controls are placed on all new development to ensure that only those that maintain and enhance the vitality and character will be supported, of which open market new build dwellings are not considered to improve the sustainability of rural communities. The development site would also fail to comply with the Settlement Policy as found at S8.2(iv) in that the development is neither an infill site or a conversion. Resultantly, the proposed development is contrary to local policies CS1 and CS5 of the Shropshire Core Strategy, MD1 and MD7a of the SAMDev Plan and to the overall aims of the National Planning Policy Framework.
  • Proposed residential development to the west of Shrewsbury Street, Prees (17/03775/OUT) Outline application for the erection of up to 5 no. residential dwellings including access off Shrewsbury Street. Decision: That delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning Services to grant planning permission subject to: The conditions set out in Appendix 1 of the report;An additional condition, as recommended by Highways.
  • Proposed foodstore to the north of Wrexham Road, Whitchurch (17/01152/FUL) Erection of a new foodstore (Use Class A1), access, substation and associated car parking and landscaping. Decision: That planning permission be refused in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation for the following reason: The proposed development will have an adverse impact on the vitality and viability of the town centre, albeit not a significant adverse impact, there remains an impact. The site, taking into account the proposed shopper bus, is not well connected to the town centre to encourage linked trips and use of alternative means of travel other than the private car. Furthermore, the application site lies in a historic and rural landscape context and the proposed development is considered to have an adverse impact on the significance of the setting of the non-designated heritage asset and an adverse impact on the immediate landscape.  The heritage and landscape impacts are not considered to be overcome by mitigation offered by the proposed landscaping or finish material for the building. Furthermore, these impacts, in addition to the impact on the town centre and the impact on connectivity are not considered to be outweighed by the public benefits of the development.As such the proposal is not considered to comply with the Development Plan Core Strategy policies CS5, CS6 and CS17 or with policy MD13 of the Shropshire Site Allocations and Management of Development (SAMDev) and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), specifically paragraph 135. In arriving at this decision the Council has used its best endeavours to work with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner to secure an appropriate outcome as required in the National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 187.
  • Proposed residential development, land at The Cross, West Felton (16/05336/REM) Approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout, scale) pursuant to 14/00133/OUT for residential development of 25 houses (inclusive of 2 affordable). Decision: That determination of the application be deferred to allow additional time for consultation with West Felton Parish Council and that delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning Services to grant reserved matters consent, subject to no new material planning issues being raised by the Parish Council and subject to the conditions listed in Appendix 1 of the report. If new material planning issues are raised by the Parish Council, the application is to come back to Committee for consideration.
  • Proposed residential development, land at The Cross, West Felton (17/05626/VAR) Variation of condition number 7 attached to Planning Permission 14/00133/OUT dated 1st October 2014 (won on appeal) to allow amendments to the access arrangements. Decision: That delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning Services to approve the variation of condition 7, subject to the re-wording of the condition to include the provision of the footway improvements and to refer to the recently received revised access plan and subject to the applicant entering into a S106 agreement deed of variation.

For further information relating to the decisions go to our online planning register and search for the application by using the reference number or keyword