01/11/2017 - Permalink

Shropshire voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations encouraged to complete biennial survey

Related topics: Community / Partner organisations

Voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations from across Shropshire are being encouraged to complete the Value and Future Needs of Shropshire’s VCSE Sector Survey 2017.

logo for voluntary and community sector assembly

Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly in Shropshire logo

The Voluntary Community Sector Assembly (VCSA) carries out a biennial study of the VCSE sector in Shropshire to try to understand the impact that the changing environment has on organisations.

This year’s survey will include detailed questions on economic activity, impact, governance and future plans. Feedback will go on to inform a summary report and with help to build a picture of the sector in Shropshire. As local data and information is becoming increasingly difficult to access from national sources, it is important for VCSE organisations to get involved and provide vital information.

The impact of national changes has had an effect on Shropshire and its communities, including:

  • cuts to public sector grants
  • funding both nationally and locally
  • more demand for VCSE representation
  • services and skills including volunteer management and training
  • pressure for local communities to be more resilient and more people to take on voluntary roles
  • the need for communities or organisations to take over the running of community assets and local services.

The information gained from both surveys will be used to produce a report for all VCSA members, and to pull together information to share with public sector partners and give them ‘real time evidence’ of how the VCSE sector is coping with changes. It will also be used to compare findings with previous years, and to shape future conversations between the VCSA Board and public sector partners.

The survey will close on 15 December 2017 at 5pm. The survey can be accessed online via SurveyMonkey (https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/vcse-sector-survey-2017).  Paper or PDF form versions are available on the VCSA website www.vcsvoice.org, by calling 01743 258521 or by sending an email to vcsassembly@shropshire.gov.uk.