Decisions made by South planning committee on 24 October 2017
The following decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s South planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Tuesday 24 October 2017.
- Proposed residential development north of Coronation Cottages, Lydham (16/03855/OUT) Outline application for the erection of 5No dwellings (to include access). Decision: That, as per the officer’s recommendation, planning permission be refused for the following reasons: The application site occupies a countryside location, where open market housing provision is not supported in principle by adopted development plan policies. The development is not considered to represent sustainable development in accordance with the three dimensions of sustainable development as referred to in the National Planning Policy Framework (Economic, social and environmental). As such the propsoal is considered to be contrary to Shropshire Core Strategy policies CS1, CS4, CS5, CS6, CS9, CS11, CS17 and CS18; Site Allocation and Management of Development (SAMDev), and the overall aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework. Furthermore, notwithstanding the justification submitted with the application, there are not considered to be any material considerations that should be given sufficient weight to justify approval of the development as an exception to the adopted policies referred to.
- 9, 10 and 11 Lower Forge Cottages, Eardington, Bridgnorth, WV16 5LQ (17/00298/FUL) Reconfiguration and upgrade of existing cottages including erection of single storey and two storey extensions to form 3 larger dwellings. Decision: Deferred to a future meeting to enable applicant to reconsider the design, materials and impact on the neighbouring property.
- Proposed residential development land north of Victoria Road (40 High Street), Much Wenlock (17/00998/FUL) Erection of one dwelling with garage; repair to outbuilding; erection of one pair of semi-detached dwellings with attached 3 bay garage. Decision: That, as per the officer’s recommendation, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, subject to Condition No. 12 being amended to ensure that a scheme for recycling/disposing of waste and timber resulting from demolition and construction works is submitted and approved by the local planning authority prior to any development taking place.
- Russells Caravan Park, Quatford, Bridgnorth, WV15 6QJ (17/03179/FUL) Change of use of land to caravan park for additional 20 static holiday caravan pitches. Decision: That, as per the amended officer’s recommendation as set out in the Schedule of Additional Letters, planning permission be granted subject to: Completion of a Section 106 Agreement to ensure no stationing of caravans on the alternative site area and a rolling programme to ensure that the area retains and improves tree cover; That planning officers be granted delegated powers to attach any appropriate conditions arising from the Section 106 Agreement; and the conditions as set out in Appendix 1, subject to the amended Condition No. 10 as set out in the Schedule of Additional Letters.
- Woodcote Wood, Weston Heath, TF11 8RS (17/03661/EIA) Proposed new access & installation of processing plant to facilitate sand& gravel extraction on adjacent Woodcote Wood site. Deferred to a future meeting.
- Woodcote Wood, Weston Heath, TF11 8RS (SC/MB2005/0336/BA) Proposed new access & installation of processing plant to facilitate sand & gravel extraction on adjacent Woodcote Wood site. Deferred to a future meeting.
For further information relating to the decisions go to our online planning register and search for the application by using the reference number or keyword.