Decisions made by North planning committee on 17 October 2017
The following decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s North planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Tuesday 17 October 2017.
- Lane south of The Hawthorns, Ellesmere (15/05415/REM) Approval of Reserved Matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to permission 14/00822/OUT for the mixed residential development of 112 dwellings; formation of estate roads; landscaping scheme. Decision: That planning permission be granted in accordance with the officer’s recommendation, subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 of the officer’s report.
- Former Squirrel Inn, Drayton Road, Wollerton, Market Drayton (17/03001/FUL) Erection of a part single/part two storey extension and a detached single storey storage building; reconfigure driveway. Decision: That Planning Permission be granted in accordance with the officer’s recommendation, subject to: The conditions set out in Appendix 1 of the officer’s report; and an additional condition to restrict the use/occupation of the extension and the outbuilding.
- Land adjacent to Ash Grove, Wem (17/02241/REM) Reserved Matters application pursuant to Outline application 14/03268/OUT (all matters reserved) for the erection of five pairs of semi-detached dwellings. Decision: That planning permission be granted subject to: The conditions set out in Appendix 1, with the deletion of Condition 2: and The additional highways conditions as set out in the Schedule of Additional Letters.
For further information relating to the decisions go to our online planning register and search for the application by using the reference number or keyword.