01/06/2017 - Permalink

Thank you to Shropshire’s volunteers

Related topics: Community / Partner organisations

Shropshire Council is keen to thank the many thousands of people living in Shropshire who volunteer to support others, maintain our environment and ensure Shropshire continues to be a great place to live and work.

Volunteers Week 2017 logo

Volunteers Week

Volunteers Week is the perfect opportunity to thank volunteers for the work they do and celebrate the difference they make. This year, Volunteers Week runs until Wednesday 7 June 2017. 

Shropshire Council would like to thank its own volunteers. Volunteers support services such as libraries, outdoor recreation, adult social care, archives, emergency planning, public protection and many more. All ages can get involved. Examples include maintaining footpaths, leading walking groups, reading to others, maintaining museum collection, organising social groups, under-age sales visits and many more activities.

Clive Wright, Shropshire Council’s chief executive, said:

“We should regularly thank the people who volunteer, but Volunteers Week is a good opportunity to repeat that thanks and take the time to celebrate the work our volunteers do, and the incredible difference they make. Through their generosity and ongoing support volunteers make Shropshire and even better place to live and work.” 

If you don’t already volunteer, Volunteers Week is also a good opportunity to consider volunteering yourself. There are many benefits:

  • Learning new skills
  • Making new friends
  • Helping others
  • Keeping fit and active
  • Gaining self confidence
  • Improving employability
  • Having fun!

Chris Child, Chair of the Shropshire Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly and a member of Shropshire Infrastructure Partnership, said:

“Volunteering and voluntary groups are the life blood of many of our communities across Shropshire. It’s great that this is recognised by a national Volunteers Week and I would recommend that if you don’t volunteer already that you think about doing so soon – there’s nothing better than helping somebody else and putting a smile on their face to make you feel good about yourself.  If you’re not sure where to start try www.do-it.org.”

Find out more about the organisations looking for volunteers by visiting the Volunteering in Shropshire website hosted by Qube and supported by Shropshire RCC: https://qube-oca.org.uk/volunteering/volunteering-opportunities/