Next meeting of Whitchurch and Prees LJC on Wednesday 14 June 2017
The next Whitchurch and Prees Local Joint Committee (LJC) meeting will be on Wednesday 14 June 2017 at Higher Heath Village Hall. Doors open at 6.30pm to enable people to come along and speak to their councillors.
Representatives from Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group (Shropshire CCG) will be attending to give a presentation on the Community Services Review.
Karen Higgins, the CCG’s Lead for Engagement and Involvement, said:
“A Shropshire ‘Community Services Review ‘is being launched to look at a number of areas with a focus on minor injuries units (MIUs) community beds and Diagnostics, Assessment and Access to Rehabilitation and Treatment (DAART) centres. This review is to help us understand how these three services are currently being delivered in Shropshire and whether the service models will be fit for purpose in future years.”
Councillor Peggy Mullock, Chair of the LJC, said:
“Please come along and take the opportunity to share your opinions, the CCG need to hear from any many people as possible to understand their views on the three services being reviewed.”
A representative from the local policing team will be there to provide an update at the meeting on local crime trends, and a representative from Shropshire Fire and Rescue will be in attendance to answer any questions relating to recent incidents.
The agenda for the meeting can be found on Shropshire Council’s website – click here.
Alternatively, please contact the Sue Thomas, community enablement officer via email or call 07990 085207.