Healthy Shropshire on the agenda for Local Joint Committees meeting in Acton Scott on 1 March
The Shropshire Neighbourhoods Care Model will be the main presentation for a joint public meeting of StrettonDale Local Joint Committee (LJC) and Craven Arms and Rural LJC, on Wednesday 1 March 2017 at 7pm at Acton Scott Village Hall.
Representatives from Shropshire Council and Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group will give an overview of three emerging core pieces of work. This will include the services available from GPs, the activity of community nurses, mental health teams, social work, preventative health services for long term conditions such as diabetes, cardio-vascular disease, dementia and support for the community activity that contributes to health and well-being.
- Healthy Lives Programme – led by public health – delivering preventative health activity through structured education and linking the community and clinical work – involving identification of risk and social prescribing.
- Resilient Communities – led by Shropshire Council’s community enablement team – sharing local information, building resilient communities, developing social action and connecting practitioners to community assets and resources.
The Mayfair Community Centre will also be in attendance to give an overview of the new health and well-being centre and the services which are now based in the building.
Members of the local police’s Safer Neighbourhoods Team will also be present, including the new local police officer for Church Stretton and Craven Arms.
Councillor Cecilia Motley, chair of Craven Arms and Rural LJC, said:-
“This is great opportunity for us to hear first-hand about the strategic work and local actions taking place to improve our health as a county.”
Councillor David Evans, chair of StrettonDale LJC, said:-
“The health agenda is one that impacts upon us all: do come along to hear about this innovative new approach.”
Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting and to take part in the discussions.
For more information on the meeting please contact Lisa Bedford, Shropshire Council’s community enablement officer for the area, on 07990 085656 or email