Packed agenda for the Severn Loop Local Forum in Shrewsbury on 24 January
The next Severn Loop Local Forum will be taking place on Tuesday 24 January 2017 at 7pm at The Guildhall, Frankwell Quay, Shrewsbury, SY3 8HQ.
Mal Price, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for planning, housing, regulatory services and environment, and Frances Darling, Shropshire Council’s trading standards and licensing operations manager, will be in attendance to talk about the proposed Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) consultation for the town, and the development of Evening and Night Time Economy Planning Guidance (ENTEPG), which aims to assist in the management of evening and night-time economy activities in specific areas in order to minimise the impact on residents.
Other agenda items will include updates from the Shrewsbury Town’s Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team and ‘Have your say’; time reserved to raise any other issues of importance to the community.
Councillor Andrew Bannerman, chairman of the Forum, said:-
“The Severn Loop Forum gives an opportunity for residents of Belle Vue, Port Hill, Quarry and Coton Hill to hear updates on key topical issues and have their say on these and any matter which concerns them. I urge residents to come along and give their views.”
Everyone is invited to attend the meeting.
For more information please contact Lucy Roberts, community enablement officer, Shropshire Council on 01743 252482 or 07990 085318.