03/01/2017 - Permalink

New venue for Church Stretton art shows

Related topics: Leisure, culture and heritage / Partner organisations

A former south Shropshire Visitor Information Centre has been given a new lease of life as an exhibition venue for artists from the area to display and sell their works.

The new facility is in the room within Church Stretton Library that used to house the Visitor Information Centre until that service was moved into the main library space earlier this year.  Branch Manager Ellen Atkin and her team decided to use their space to hold art exhibitions.

Ellen Atkin said:-

“They help us in several ways. Our regular users enjoy the extra interest and come in more frequently, they bring art lovers to our door and they enrich the cultural life of our community. It’s great to hear the conversations the pieces provoke, they open dialogues and break down social barriers.

“We are pleased to announce a solo exhibition by Jacob Chandler at Church Stretton Library from Tuesday 10th January until Friday 17th February 2017. Jacob won the prestigious award held by Royal Birmingham Society of Artists with his piece, entitled Poise and Tension III. Jacob’s beautiful artwork has travelled around the world having been exhibited in New York, London, Philadelphia Moscow and now Church Stretton.”

Stuart West, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for leisure and culture, said:

“Libraries are increasingly being used for all sorts of different purposes and it’s great that this vacant space has provided such an interesting opportunity for the community.”

Jacob Chandler is delighted to be part of this process:-

“Anything that takes art out of the gallery and into real world has my vote of approval. Giving the general public access to art is very important to me, as a sculptor public art is where it’s at. This exhibition also helps me to support a cause close to my heart. We hear such a about the loss of community but libraries, when managed as creatively as Church Stretton’s act as a central hub for the arts and for people.”

Chandler’s work focuses on the transient, capturing the most dramatic point of an action, the tipping point from one moment to the next, be it physical or mental. Ordinarily this fleeting change would be gone in the blink of an eye but to hold it forever in a solid yet ethereal design creates strong emotional impact. The use of metal, particularly steels such as corten, adds another dynamic to his work as the oxidisation means the surface is constantly changing.

Being self-taught has allowed him to gain mentorship from artists and sculptors across the country, who have successful full time careers. It has also given him the opportunity to forge working relationships with leading industry experts in metal fabrication, computer aided design and manufacture and galleries. This informs his practice in a direct and dynamic way as when new technologies become available he is best placed to capitalise on the new artistic freedom they provide.

For more information please contact Church Stretton Library on 01694 722535 or email churchstretton.library@shropshire.gov.uk; Jacob Chandler ijacobchandler@gmail.com; Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jacobchandlerart/ Twitter @jacobchandler