Worthen CE Primary School celebrates ‘good’ Ofsted report
Worthen CE Primary School is celebrating after Ofsted graded the school as ‘good’ in all areas, following a full inspection on 8 November and 9 November 2016.
Two years ago the school was rated as “requires improvement” following its last full inspection.
Following that report, the governing bodies of Worthen CE Primary School and Hope CE Primary School agreed to federate – with Westbury CE Primary School joining the federation earlier this year. Since the beginning of this term pupils from all three schools have been taught at the Worthen site.
In her report the Ofsted inspector says that: “leaders have ensured that the school has improved since the last inspection. The inspirational headteacher brings many skills to the school. Since her appointment, she has united the pupils, staff and the wider school community and provided a clear sense of purpose.
It also says that: “Leaders have used the school’s federation with two other schools to strengthen teaching and teaching is now good. As a result, expectations of what pupils can achieve have risen and pupils make good progress.”
The inspector adds: “Leaders and staff have successfully integrated pupils from the three schools. Parents, pupils and staff have only good things to say about the arrangement.”
Her report also praises the support the school has received from Shropshire Council and the Diocese of Hereford, saying: “The local authority and Diocesan Board have provided very effective support to the school during the planning and organisation of the federation arrangements. The school’s adviser knows the school well and has supported the school effectively to improve the quality of teaching and learning.”
During the two-day inspection the inspector observed lessons, held discussions with the headteacher, governors, pupils, teachers, parents and Shropshire Council’s education advisers. She evaluated pupils’ books, and examined a range of information and documentation relating to behaviour, attendance, progress, safeguarding and more.
The report identifies some areas for improvement if the school is to achieve an ‘outstanding’ rating in their next inspection, and – as a result – they will now be working on improving learning and assessment in all subjects so that these are as strong as in English and mathematics, and also applying their maths and writing skills in other subject areas.
The school will also be working on developing the skills of newly-appointed subject leaders so that – as the report says – “they can have a good impact on the quality of teaching and learning in their areas of responsibility”.
Jane Gill, headteacher, said:
“This Ofsted report reflects the high standards which the staff, pupils, and parents have worked so hard for. Rightly, we are all very proud of our school and our journey to ‘outstanding’ has already begun.
”Some parents and children were anxious about the change and it has been a challenging process for the staff, but we’ve ended up with a buzzing, vibrant and a sustainable school. We’ve got plenty to do but the encouraging Ofsted report will give everyone involved a great lift.”
Sally Johnson, Chair of Governors, said:
“The governing body all believed that bringing the schools to one site would enable us to raise expectations and improve the education for the children from all three communities but we didn’t believe that we would see improvements in pupil learning so quickly. Great credit must go to Jane Gill, our headteacher, whom the report describes as “inspirational”, and to all the staff who have worked so hard to make this initiative work.”
David Minnery, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for children and young people, said:
“I’m delighted that Ofsted inspectors have recognised the substantial improvements that have been made at Worthen in the past two years. This is the result of a lot of very hard work on the part of staff, the head and the governors.
“Pupils and their parents can be confident that the school now provides a good education which prepares children well for the future, and I congratulate all those who have played a part in this success.”
Parent Jo Pembroke said:
“Worthen school has had a shot in the arm of something fizz-whopping. There is a confidence and competence about the staff and the leadership that the children are really responding to. Opportunities and aspirations are rocketing. For my child and myself, it’s a really exciting time to be part of this school.”
Local MP Philip Dunne said:
“Considering all the changes that the school leadership have been making this ‘good’ rating from Ofsted is an outstanding achievement. I congratulate all at Worthen Church of England Primary School who have worked so hard. It is particularly welcome to have achieved such good recognition of the quality of learning at Worthen as children from neighbouring Hope and Westbury primaries join the school.”
All three schools are Church of England Schools within the Diocese of Hereford.
Philip Sell, Director of Education for the Diocese of Hereford, said:
“This really is an exceptional result”.
The report can be read on the Ofsted website.
Further information
- On 21 December Shropshire Council’s Cabinet will meet to formally consider the amalgamation of the three schools on to one site. The proposal to amalgamate came from a unanimous decision of the governing body, in the best interests of current and future pupils.
- There are four Ofsted grading categories:
- Grade 1: Outstanding
- Grade 2: Good
- Grade 3: Requires Improvement
- Grade 4: Inadequate
- The school has been rated ‘good’ overall, and ‘good’ in all areas. The areas are:
- Effectiveness of leadership and management
- Quality of teaching, learning and assessment
- Personal development, behaviour and welfare
- Outcomes for pupils
- Early years provision
For further information contact:
Jane Gill, Headteacher, 01743 891320
Sally Johnson, Chair of Governors, 01743 884275
David Stacey, Vice-chair, 07711 043600