Decisions made by Cabinet on 30 November 2016
The following decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s Cabinet at its meeting today (Wednesday 30 November 2016).
To see the full agenda and papers, click here.
To find out more about what Cabinet is, what it does and who its members are, click here.
All these items on the agenda were approved as per recommendations:
- Scrutiny item: report from the Financial Strategy Task and Finish Group
- Financial Strategy 2017/18 to 2019/20
- Setting the Council Tax taxbase for 2017/18
- Treasury Strategy 2015/16 – mid-year review
- Quarter 2 Performance Report 2016/17
- 2015/16 council customer feedback report
- Market Drayton Youth Centre – community asset transfer
- Opening hours across Customer Service Points
- Meole Brace Pitch and Putt, Shrewsbury