21/10/2016 - Permalink

Get involved with Bridgnorth, Worfield, Claverley, Alveley and Brown Clee LJC

Related topics: Community / Democracy / Partner organisations

Shropshire Council is encouraging local people to come along to their next Bridgnorth Worfield, Claverley, Alveley and Brown Clee Local Joint Committee (LJC) meeting to talk about the issues that matter to them.

The meeting is on Tuesday 8 November 2016 at 7pm at Alveley Parish Memorial Village Hall, Daddlebrook Road, Alveley WV15 6JT.

West Mercia Police’s local policing team, and Shropshire Fire and Rescue, will be present to provide an update on local policing and community safety issues.

Chris Edwards, Shropshire Council’s head of infrastructure and communities, will be delivering a presentation on service developments at Shropshire Council, together with an update on the ongoing collaboration of transferring services to town councils and parish councils.

Councillor Christian Lea, Chairman of the LJC, said:

“I would encourage local residents to come along to our LJC meeting on Tuesday 8 November, where Chris Edwards will be talking about service developments at Shropshire Council, including highways, environmental maintenance and waste management matters. There will also be the opportunity to put questions to Chris, and to raise any concerns with the local policing team and Shropshire Fire and Rescue. It should be a very informative meeting, and I look forward to hearing on the night, about the issues that are of concern to local people.”

This is an open, public meeting so everyone is more than welcome to attend.

For further information please contact Tracy Johnson, community enablement officer for the area, on 07990 085122, tracy.johnson@shropshire.gov.uk.