02/08/2016 - Permalink

Decisions made by Central planning committee on 28 July 2016

Related topics: Community / Democracy

The following decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s Central planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Thursday 28 July 2016.

  • Closure of Racecourse Lane, Shrewsbury – objections received within statutory consultation. Decision: That the committee supports the introduction of the proposed safety scheme.
  • Land to the south of Annscroft, Shrewsbury (16/01873/OUT) Outline application for the erection of 3 no. detached dwellings to include means of access. Decision: That planning permission be refused as per the officer’s recommendation for the following reasons: The proposed development would provide three detached residential properties adjacent to a settlement identified by the Parish Council as part of a cluster within the ‘Site Allocations and Management of Development’ document (SAMDev). However the site is not considered to be located within this settlement and is therefore located in open countryside for planning policy purposes. The proposal is a departure to the development plan in that the site is situated within open countryside and is contrary to policies CS5, MD3 & MD7a. AND The Local Planning Authority considers that the scheme would not protect, restore, conserve and enhance the natural and built environment. This would result in the scheme being in conflict with Core Strategy Policies CS5, CS6, CS17 and SAMDev policies MD2, MD3, MD7a, MD12 & MD13. There would be significant conflict with the environmental role of sustainability. Whilst there would be limited economic and social benefits associated with the proposal, the Framework is clear at paragraph 8 that the 3 roles of sustainability should not be undertaken in isolation, because they are mutually dependent. Given that, it is considered that the proposal would conflict with the environmental role, and that the proposal would not result in sustainable development.
  • 11 Shorncliffe Way, Shrewsbury (16/01966/OUT) Outline permission for the erection of a dwelling. Decision: That planning permission be refused as per the officer’s recommendation for the following reason: The proposal for a detached dwelling would result in an incongruous development with a design and layout that is inconsistent with surrounding properties and that would adversely affect the character and appearance of the area.  Notwithstanding the outline nature of the application it is not considered that it would be possible to provide an acceptable design, layout, access and appearance and as such the proposed development is contrary to Core Strategy policy CS6, SAMDev Plan policy MD2 and the National Planning Policy Framework. The benefits of the proposal, including the provision of an additional open market dwelling within a relatively sustainable location, are acknowledged.  However these would not be sufficient to outweigh the harm to the area.

For further information relating to the decisions go to our online planning register and search for the application by using the reference number or keyword.

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