Traffic Warden praised for helping elderly disabled visitors
A traffic warden in Shrewsbury has been praised for her friendly manner and helping two elderly ladies visiting the town.
The two disabled pensioners had wrote to compliment Amanda after she helped them get a taxi following several unsuccessful attempts.
The ladies were on a day trip to Shrewsbury and were becoming tired after viewing the sights. The elderly couple approached the Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO), who they explained was, ‘extremely helpful’. Using her phone the CEO called a taxi to take the ladies to the car park.
In the letter the ladies said;
‘Your traffic warden was so helpful, kind and compassionate, she deserves ten gold stars.’ The letter continued;
‘She is a credit to your town, please thank her from two old disabled ladies.’
Amanda added;
“As a Civil Enforcement Officer we don’t always get many thanks for what we do, so it’s really lovely to receive a compliment from members of the public. To be honest being helpful is all part of our day to day work. It’s not just about enforcement and ensuring that motorists are parked legally, our car parks are safe to use and that traffic is flowing smoothly in the town. It’s also about helping and assisting members of the public; and being thanked for this is very rewarding and makes you feel really appreciated.”
Councillor Mal Price, Cabinet Member for Regulatory Services added;
“Our Civil Enforcement teams work very hard to provide a professional service at all times, in all weathers and sometimes under the most difficult and challenging circumstances.
“I’m extremely proud of the way Amanda conducted herself, the action she took really helped to make positive impact on the two elderly ladies.”
Experiences like this are often all in a days work for Shropshire’s Civil Enforcement Officers other examples of what they get involved in or have encountered whilst on duty include:
- Acting as a mobile tourist information point promoting Shropshire and places to visit
- Helping people find family members or cars due to being lost of suffering from dementia.
- Rescuing/reporting children or dogs in hot cars.
- Signposting customers to the correct council department (planning, council tax, benefits) via the CSC.
- Assisting victims of crime until the Police arrive.
- Undertaking CPR whilst waiting for the emergency services
- Assisting the Police in identifying vehicles connected to crime.
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