08/07/2016 - Permalink

Change to visitor information service in Oswestry as Mile End VIC closes its doors

Related topics: Community / Leisure, culture and heritage / Partner organisations

The Visitor Information Centre at Mile End near Oswestry will close to the public on Saturday 16 July 2016.

After this date, phone, postal and email enquiries will be handled by Oswestry Borderland Tourism Ltd under a contract with Shropshire Council. Personal callers will be able to obtain information from the Heritage Centre in Oswestry, which is run by Oswestry Borderland Tourism Ltd, as well as local attractions.

A town and area information board will be provided at the Mile End service area promoting the availability of local visitor information services in Oswestry and at nearby tourist attractions. The board will include the telephone number of Oswestry Heritage Centre VIC, local websites, local visitor amenities and other helpful information.

The decision to close Mile End VIC and award a contract to Oswestry Borderland Tourism Ltd was made by Shropshire Council’s Cabinet in March 2016.

It means that a visitor information service will continue to be delivered in northwest Shropshire but at a reduced cost to Shropshire Council.

Stuart West, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for culture and leisure, said:

“Though Mile End VIC is closing people will still be able to access and receive visitor information from Oswestry Borderland Tourism Ltd, by visiting the Heritage Centre, from the board that will be in place at Mile End or from a wide range of local attractions and websites.

“I’d like to thank all the current and former Mile End VIC staff for the valuable service they have provided over the years to many thousands of visitors to Oswestry and to Shropshire.”

To contact Oswestry Borderland Tourism call 01691 662753 or visit www.oswestry-welshborders.org.uk.

Further information

1. The Mile End VIC provides services to fewer than 30,000 visitors per year, a significant decrease on the peak number of 76,000 in 2008.

2. Oswestry Heritage Centre is based in the town centre next to St. Oswald’s Church. It is open all year, Monday to Saturday and deals with enquiries in person, by letter, email and telephone. The service is operated with paid staff by Oswestry Borderland Tourism Ltd.