21/07/2016 - Permalink

Cabinet asked to consider alternative library services for Shawbury, in light of proposals to close the library

Related topics: Leisure, culture and heritage

Recommendations for an alternative library service at Shawbury will be put to councillors next week in the context of proposals to close the existing library.

The ‘Closure of Shawbury Library and for alternative library service provision’ report will be presented to Cabinet next week, Wednesday 27 July 2016.

Proposals highlighted in the report will ask Cabinet to consider closing the library from Autumn 2016, and for a new weekly mobile library service be introduced: the mobile library will offer a wide range of services for residents of all ages.

Other recommendations include pursuing discussions with Shawbury Village Hall Committee, who are supportive in developing the Village Hall as a ‘Community Hub’.

Since February 2015, Shropshire Council has been working proactively with residents and local organisations to try and seek options and solutions to maintain the library. However, despite ongoing discussions, no suggestions for alternative management arrangements for Shawbury Library have been made.

The report follows over 16 months of extensive discussions with residents and local organisations, as well as the undertaking of a thorough local needs assessment to identify how an alternative library provision could be met.

In considering the proposals, the council has taken into account:

  • The relatively low level of use at Shawbury Library and the relatively high costs to run it. User and other statistics that show that Shawbury Library is the least used library in Shropshire and the most expensive per transaction.
  • The outcomes of a recent six week public consultation.
  • Its worsening financial position determined by central government cuts potentially resulting in services such as leisure, libraries, museums, public open spaces and support for youth activities facing significant cutbacks or in the worst case scenario – closure.

Stuart West, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for leisure and culture, said:

“We are very aware and understand that people have a strong connection to their local library, which is often seen as a valuable part of the community.

“However, the combination of the severity of our financial position, along with the ongoing decrease in usage of Shawbury Library, means that we need to find a sustainable way of delivering a library service for local residents.

“Although the proposal to close Shawbury Library is a very difficult one for councillors to have to consider, I believe we have come up with a positive solution that still gives everyone in Shawbury and the surrounding rural communities access to a library service.”

Other options for Shawbury residents to access library services suggested in the report include:

  • Access to fully staffed library services from Wem, Sundorne Shrewsbury and Market Drayton
  • Access to online library services such as e-books, e-magazines and e-audio.
  • Access to home library services for people unable to readily get out and about.

Simon Jones, local Shropshire Councillor for Shawbury, said:

“Shropshire Council has actively been trying to engage with the community at large to find an alternative way of to continue the provision of a library building in Shawbury. Following a petition that was presented at Full Council, further public events were held in Shawbury, but they attracted very few participants and no viable alternatives have been put forward. I am dismayed by the poor response to the latest consultation, but wish to thank the six residents who did comment. The loss of a library building is unfortunate, but I am pleased that provision will still be made to residents of Shawbury in the form of a weekly mobile library.”

The usage of alternative library service provision by Shawbury residents will be monitored and the alternative service provision will be kept under review.

Further information 

Shropshire mobile library service

The mobile library service has access to the full range of materials available at the static branches. Materials can be requested from other libraries either in person or online for collection from the mobile library. The full range of digital services including e-books, e- magazines, newspapers and access to reference sources and information can all be accessed from a mobile library. Trained staff are available on the mobile libraries to offer support and guidance.

Services include:

  • the lending of books for babies, children, young people and adults in hardback, paperback and large print
  • the lending of talking books on CD for children and adults
  • access to Books on Prescription, fiction in other languages, books for readers with dyslexia and skills for life material through the request service
  • access to the county’s stock of books, audio books, large print books and DVDs through the request service
  • trained staff to issue and return book, answer enquiries and help people to choose books
  • access to community information and information on council services
  • occasional visits from partner organisations who use the mobile library to promote their services and to offer guidance, eg in 2015 these included the Alzheimer’s Society, Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service and Police Community Support Officers.

Shawbury Library stats

  • Shawbury Library has limited opening hours (15 hours per week) which affects the type of use made of the library.
  • The library has a low level of active library membership (268 members at March 2016) attracting 3,937 visits per year – the lowest in Shropshire. The user survey suggested that about half of users used the library about once or twice a month.
  • The majority of active borrowers are from the Shawbury parish, 6.5% of resident population, followed by Ercall Magna and Stanton Upon Hine Heath.
  • Book borrowing is the most popular activity for both adults and children at the library, although the number of books loaned is the lowest in Shropshire.
  • The use of public computers is the second most popular activity but there is only an average of 42 computer sessions per month. Library computer use has fallen by 59% over the past five years due to the increase in home computer ownership and internet connectivity.
  • The user survey suggested that 57% of users visited the library by car and 41% walked; and that 76% of visits were for book borrowing and 22% to use the computers.
  • The cost per library visit at Shawbury is £3.64 compare to which, because of the low number of visits, makes it the most expensive library in Shropshire.
  • The cost per loan is £2.73. The average cost per loan/visit combined is £3.19 which makes Shawbury the most expensive library in the county.
