Future management of Birchmeadow Park to be debated at Broseley and Barrow LJC meeting
Residents are invited to the next Broseley and Barrow Local Joint Committee (LJC) meeting, where they will be able to hear about some significant matters that are up for debate in the area. The meeting is at Willey Village Hall on Wednesday 6 July 2016 at 7pm.
Shropshire Council faces a challenging budget over the next three years, which will have an impact on services such as swimming pools, leisure centres, museums, arts and some open spaces/country parks. Broseley Town Council has started discussions with Shropshire Council on the options for transfer of Birchmeadow Park.
The LJC has invited Chris Edwards, Shropshire Council’s area commissioner, who is leading the discussions, to come and talk to residents, address their concerns and hear their views.
Councillor Jean Jones, Chair of the LJC, said:-
“Shropshire Council is facing some difficult financial times next year and some services will not be affordable. The town council is exploring the options for the future management of Birchmeadow Park, and the LJC meeting is a chance for local residents to question officers and raise their concerns. I encourage residents to come to the meeting and take part in these vitally important discussions.”
A Shropshire Council highways officer will also be there to give an update on ongoing traffic management issues in the area.
For further information on the LJC call Kerry Rogers, community enablement officer (south), on 07990 085206.