Shout About Social Value
Commissioners and service providers are being invited to attend a special market place event to learn more about Social Value and the voluntary and community sector services being provided within Shropshire, including Telford and Wrekin.
‘Shout About Social Value’ is set to take place on Tuesday 17 November 2015 from 10.30am in Council Chamber and Foyer at Shirehall, Shrewsbury.
The event is being led by Shropshire’s Social Value Group and will be opened by the group’s Chair, Councillor Lee Chapman.
Why should you drop in?
- To learn more about Social Value – a series of presentations will be taking place throughout the day. You can hear from commissioners, service providers and national experts providing an important overview with examples of national best practice.
- Take a look at the displays and think about how your service could improve its measurement and reporting of social value.
- Use the social value information pack that will be available on the day to help your service communicate social value to commissioners and funders.
- Take the opportunity to learn more about the local services you may signpost to. Take the time to have a chat to the stall holders and find out more about the challenges and opportunities facing their services.
- Learn more about the services working in your area of the county or your field of expertise. Use the event to provide you with the time to consider how your service could benefit from working with others.
- Pick up a free event pack full of information about local activities, services and support.
Lee Chapman, Shropshire Council’s group Chair and Cabinet member for adult services, said:
“This is a fantastic opportunity for those who commission services and service providers to find out more about how they can deliver value for money while strengthening their communities, as part of their procurement process.
“It will also provide the perfect environment to share ideas and information. We look forward to seeing you there.”
There is no need to book, you can just drop in on the day, but if you would like an information pack please email us to let us know you can attend at
Further information
The definition of Social Value
Social Value is defined as, “a process whereby organisations meet their needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole life basis in terms of generating benefits to society and the economy, whilst minimising damage to the environment”.
Event programme
10.30am Welcome by Councillor Lee Chapman.
10:45am An introduction to Social Value and the Social Value in Health Programme by Social Enterprise UK, Nancy Towers and Nick Temple.
11:05am Social Value Best Practice by IVAR, Helen Garforth/ Sam Brier
11:30am Social Value: a local case study by CAAN, Jackie Jeffrey and Tereza Hayeck.
12 noon Social Value in Practice by Scott Darraugh, Social Adventures.
12:30pm A commissioner’s perspective: CCG by Sam Tilley, CCG
1pm A commissioner’s perspective: Shropshire Council by Neil Evans, Shropshire Council.