Scrutiny committee to consider work to date on the future of swimming in Shrewsbury
Shropshire Council’s Environment and Services Scrutiny Committee will hear and discuss work carried out on the recent consultation to gather people’s views on the future of swimming in Shrewsbury at their meeting on Monday 30 November 2015 (to see the report, click here).
The five-month consultation, which closed on Friday 30 October 2015, received nearly 2,000 responses from individuals, partners, clubs, groups, councillors and businesses across the county on the proposed seven different pool options.
Work is now ongoing to carry out a detailed analysis of the information received.
Vince Hunt, Chair of Shropshire Council’s environment and services scrutiny committee, said:
“The committee recognise the importance of this particular topic and have already received a report on the work previously. This current report will continue the scrutiny process, and we will no doubt receive further updates in the future as this piece of work continues.”
Steve Charmley, Shropshire Council’s Deputy Leader, and Cabinet member with responsibility for leisure services, said:
“We’ve had a huge number of responses and we are really grateful for these. Lots of work is now being done to understand these better, before a proposal is brought forward to be considered by Cabinet.”
People’s views were gathered in various ways including public meetings, an online survey, written responses and discussions with interested groups.