Decision made on the future for supported living and day services in Bridgnorth
Important changes are to be made to day services, including the addition of much-needed supported living accommodation in Bridgnorth.
It follows the approval of a report which was considered at a Cabinet member decision-making session on Tuesday (3 November 2015).
This report summarised the outcomes of recent consultation with adults with learning disabilities, their families and carers in Bridgnorth and outlined the next steps in the development of supported living, potential relocation of the day centre and the delivery of day services by a new provider.
The consultation which took place over the summer provided the opportunity for people to comment and challenge the proposals. The decision made on Tuesday will see a full options appraisal being undertaken which could result in new build developments to serve the whole community, as well as secure good quality services and accommodation that will support people today and also meet future need over the next 20 to 30 years.
Councillor Lee Chapman, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for adult services, approved all of the recommendations in the report.
Lee said:
“This was an important decision that we feel will secure the future of day services and provide homes, with support, for people who need them.
“The decision was following an extensive consultation process and the recommendations took into consideration people’s views and ideas, and I’d like to thank everyone for their input so far.
“There’s lots now to do to ensure that we get the very best services and homes for local people. There will also be another chance for people to have their say once the options appraisal has been completed.”
An additional recommendation was also made and approved to engage further with user groups, following the completion and review of the options appraisal.