17/11/2015 - Permalink

Council invites people to sign Book of Condolence following Paris terror attacks

Related topics: Community

A Book of Condolence has been opened at Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery for people to add messages of sympathy following the Paris terror attacks.

The book is available in the Foyer for people to sign, and will be remain there for the next fortnight.

Shropshire Council yesterday (Monday 16 November 2015) held a minute’s silence at 11am for those who were killed or injured following last Friday evening’s atrocities in the French capital.

As a further mark of respect it also flew the Union Jack flag outside Shirehall at half-mast for the remainder of the day.

Councillor Keith Barrow, Shropshire Council’s Leader, said:

“Words cannot explain the devastating scenes in Paris we have witnessed over the last view days. Our hearts and sincere condolences go out to all those who have lost their lives so tragically, as well as those who were injured and their friends and families. The local, national and global response to these horrendous events have been deeply moving.

“I would urge people to go and sign the Book of Condolence in solidarity with the people of France.”

Anyone who can’t attend the museum to sign the Book of Condolence, can post a message on Shropshire Council’s Twitter account @shropcouncil, or on Shropshire Council’s Facebook.