Shropshire Council has recently commissioned FUSE Enterprise CIC to undertake some feasibility work, looking at the best way forward for Maesbury Metals…
Shropshire Council Newsroom
Posts by Month: October 2015
71 posts found.
A fresh look at innovative day care services
People asked for views about future of Ellesmere Library
Residents in Ellesmere and the surrounding area are being encouraged to give their views on proposals for the town’s library and customer…
£1,500 for a packet of tobacco: Oswestry retailer successfully prosecuted for selling tobacco to minors
Ronald Lewis of Oswestry was yesterday (Thursday 1 October 2015) ordered by Shrewsbury Magistrates Court to pay nearly £1,500 after pleading guilty to…
Shropshire Libraries supports Dyslexia Awareness Week
Shropshire Libraries are supporting Dyslexia Awareness Week, Monday 5 October –Sunday 11 October 2015, by highlighting their children and teenage dyslexia-friendly book…
Exciting nine-mile guided walk in Worfield and surrounding countryside
Shropshire Council invites you to join the outdoor recreation service and enjoy a nine-mile guided walk on Monday 19 October 2015 from…
Decisions made by North planning committee on 29 September 2015
The following decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s North planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Tuesday 29 September 2015. Land…
Applications going to Central planning committee on 8 October 2015
The following planning applications will be considered by Shropshire Council’s Central planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Thursday 8…
Drivers warned that smoking in cars with children present is banned from today
Smokers are being given one more reason to quit, as a new law that came into force today makes it illegal for anyone to smoke in vehicles with children present.
University Centre Shrewsbury opens doors to prospective students
News from our partners University Centre Shrewsbury Prospective students taking a tour of the town Students looking to start a degree course…
Shropshire mental health services join forces to celebrate World Mental Health Day
Mental health statutory and voluntary sector service providers across Shropshire will be coming together on Thursday 8 October 2015 at The Square…