07/09/2015 - Permalink

Lipreading Awareness Week – library sessions

Related topics: Community

Shropshire Libraries is teaming up with Sally Joyner, Deaf Awareness and Lipreading tutor and Shropshire Deaf and Hard of Hearing Forum, to bring free drop in advice and lipreading taster sessions to libraries during Lipreading Awareness Week, Monday 7 September to Friday 11 September 2015.

Sally Joyner said:-

“‘In Shropshire we have approximately 64,000 people with some form of hearing loss.  Many of these people are over 65, but more than ever are under 55. We are here to give them the skills to stay in work and strategies for coping in everyday situations, as almost all suffer with isolation in everyday situations. We need to make more of the general public ‘deaf aware’ to make sure that we are able to communicate with those who have hearing loss. This figure doesn’t take in the number of profoundly deaf people who use sign language as their first language.

“Those who choose to go down the NHS route are offered lipreading as a new skill to help them cope, and we aim to make sure that everyone who needs it gets it: it’s like offering physiotherapy for your ears. During lipreading classes we will teach you what lipshapes look like and demonstrate them, we will instruct you about services available in Shropshire and how to access them, and we will support you to make the most of everyday situations: we teach you strategies to help with this.”

Steve Charmley, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member responsible for libraries, said:-

“In the heart of our communities, libraries are well-placed to offer support, information and a welcoming space, and it is good to see this role acknowledged so effectively during this Lipreading Awareness Week.”

The taster sessions will take place at the following branches:

  • Shrewsbury Library  Tuesday 8 September from 2pm to 3pm. Lipreading taster session with Tom Kane.
  • Bridgnorth Library  Wednesday 9 September from 2pm to 3pm. Lipreading taster session with Tom Kane.
  • Shrewsbury Library  Thursday 10 September from 10am to 11am. Lipreading taster session with Sally Joyner.
  • Oswestry Library  Thursday 10 September from 2pm to 4pm. Free advice and guidance with Shropshire Deaf and Hard of Hearing forum members Sally and Gill, who can do minor repairs and advise on hearing aid and other services available in Shropshire.

For more information, contact Mirka Duxberry on mirka.duxberry@shropshire.gov.uk or call 01743 255031.