13/08/2015 - Permalink

Shropshire students congratulated as A-level results published

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Initial results point towards 2015 being another year of high achievement for A-level students across the Shropshire Council area.

Early indications are that the post-16 results for Shropshire’s schools, academies and colleges are, in the round, again good and that it promises to be another very successful year.

Ann Hartley, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for children’s services, said:

“We would like to congratulate all the students for their hard work, and appreciate how much they have had to do to achieve their results.

“We would also like to thank everyone who plays a part in our school and college communities across Shropshire. This includes our hugely skilled and committed teachers, head teachers and college principals, governors, support staff, people who contribute voluntarily and, of course, parents and carers who play such an important supportive role.

“We wish all the students receiving their results today every success in the future, including those going on to university or into the world of work. For those whose results are different to what they expected, students should consider seeking further advice and guidance from their school or college.

“Shropshire Council can then also be contacted for general advice and information regarding what to do if results are different to what was expected, how to go through clearing, student finance, gap years and apprenticeships, via www.shropshireyouth.com or by calling 01743 258850.”