02/06/2014 - Permalink

Decisions made by Central planning committee – 29 May 2014

Related topics: Community / Democracy

The following decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s Central planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Thursday 29 May 2014.

Poultry broiler units, Great Ness, Montford Bridge, Shrewsbury (13/04305/EIA)  Erection of three poultry rearing buildings, eight feed bins and associated works. 


That planning permission be granted as per the officer’s recommendation, subject to the variation of the Section 106 Legal Agreement (in line with the submitted draft) to include the following matters:

  • To secure the routing of traffic associated with the development via the access road between Rodfern Lane and the old A5;
  • To provide for the regular review of the use of the approved route; and

Officers were also requested to seek confirmation from the applicants that all tractor/trailer movements associated with the business is routed down the dedicated access wherever practicable.

Land opposite Ellesmere Drive, Ellesmere Road, Shrewsbury (13/05124/FUL)  Mixed residential development of 75 dwellings (including 8 affordable units), formation of vehicular access; provision of open space and associated landscape and infrastructure improvements. 

Decision:  That this application be deferred to enable the applicant to provide information on the reason for the gas monitoring on site together with any information they have with regard to the nature and extent of any contamination on the site.

Development land adjacent Oaklands, Holyhead Road, Montford Bridge, Shrewsbury (14/00518/OUT)  Outline application (access, layout for approval) for mixed residential development; formation of a vehicular access and associated infrastructure. 


That, contrary to the officer’s recommendation, planning permission be refused for the following reasons:

  • The development would have an adverse impact upon the economic viability of the local area by taking high grade agricultural land out of production (contrary to paragraph 112 of the National Planning Policy Framework); and
  • Would severely impact upon the social sustainability of the settlement by systematically and immediately increasing the size of the settlement by an unacceptable amount which would irrevocably and permanently adversely impact upon the small settlement, which has very limited services and which will then become incapable of providing its population without the need to rely on services outside of the area and travel extensively so to do.
Proposed dwelling adjacent Lower Wigmore Farm, Wigmore Lane, Wattlesborough Heath, Shrewsbury (14/00629/OUT)  Outline application for the erection of a single detached dwelling to include access. 

Decision: That planning permission be granted in accordance with the officer’s recommendation, subject to:

  • A Section 106 Legal Agreement to secure a financial contribution towards local needs affordable housing in accordance with Core Strategy Policy CS11; and

The conditions as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.

The Anchor Inn, Gloucester Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 3PR (14/00899/FUL)  Erection of six houses and one 3-storey apartment block consisting of nine apartments; formation of vehicular access; demolition of existing public house. 

Decision: That, contrary to the officer’s recommendation, planning permission be refused for the following reason:

  • The Anchor Inn is an important local asset which plays and important role in facilitating social interaction and creating a healthy and inclusive community; and
  • It has not been adequately demonstrated that the existing facility would not be viable over the long term;

accordingly, the proposal would result in the unjustified loss of an important community facility for the local area contrary to the aims and requirements of Shropshire Core Strategy Policies CS6 and CS8.

Land adjacent Ingleby Way, Shrewsbury (14/01014/FUL)   Erection of 27 no. dwellings including 5 no. affordable homes with associated roads, parking and new rights of way. 

Decision:  That planning permission be granted in accordance with the officer’s recommendation, subject to:

  • Delegated Authority be granted to the Area Planning Manager/Principal Planning Officer to issue permission subject to:

–        Satisfactory information being received to ensure that no unacceptable ecological impact would arise as a result of the development;

–        A Section 106 Legal Agreement to secure affordable housing in accordance with the Supplementary Planning Document on the Type and Affordability of Housing;

–        An additional condition to ensure a Construction Management Plan is agreed prior to any building works taking place;

–        An additional condition to ensure development takes place before the expiration of two years from the date of approval.  This condition only to be added following the approval of Shropshire Council’s Legal Officers;

–        To undertake discussions with the applicant with regard to the acceptability of the footpath of the pedestrian link onto the Mount; and

–        The conditions as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.

Land east of Holgate Drive, Shrewsbury (14/01147/FUL)  Residential development (25 Dwellings) and open space, with associated highways and drainage infrastructure and other accommodation works. 

Decision: That planning permission be granted in accordance with the officer’s recommendation, subject to:

  • A Section 106 Legal Agreement to secure the on-site affordable housing and an affordable housing contribution;
  • An additional condition to ensure a Construction Management Plan is agreed prior to any building works taking place;
  • An additional condition to ensure that no first floor windows can be added to the side elevations of plots 1, 4, 14 and 15 that would overlook 35 and 23 Whittington Close, 7 Holgate Drive and 11 Northside Close respectively;
  • An additional condition to ensure development takes place before the expiration of two years from the date of approval.  This condition only to be added following the approval of Shropshire Council’s Legal Officers; and

The conditions as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.

For further information relating to each of the decisions go to our online planning register and search for an application by using the appropriate reference number or keyword.