ip&e set to grow
ip&e Limited is set to grow as more services are given the go-ahead to transfer to the Shropshire Council-owned company.
ip&e (inspiring partnerships and enterprise) provides public services on the council’s behalf and enables the council to reinvest profit from any trading back into services.
Shropshire Council’s Cabinet today (Wednesday 12 March 2014) gave its backing to the transfer of services which will come together as one business unit, with the working title of “Change for the Best”. It is aimed to move these into ip&e from April 2014.
The focus of Change for the Best will be supporting and advising the council, and other organisations, to deliver services in new ways, ensuring they are designed to meet customers’ needs, and offer value-for-money.
An important part of this work will be progressing the actions outlined in the council’s business plan and financial strategy.
Change for the Best is made up of Shropshire Council’s programme management office and Shropshire Council’s business design team, who will also work with Bright Lake, the council’s appointed contractor to support and build on work to redesign services.
Keith Barrow, Leader of Shropshire Council, said:
“With the transfer of more services, ip&e is going from strength to strength. This is an exciting time for both the council and ip&e.
“A lot of work takes place before any service transfers to ip&e, and Change for the Best has shown that it is in a great position to make the move.
“It will be at the forefront in taking us where we want to be, ensuring we are starting from what’s needed instead of what’s already there, and are totally flexible to changing demands over time.
“This is an excellent opportunity for these services to develop, share their expertise and trade more freely – creating profit to benefit the people of Shropshire, and helping the county to thrive.”
Mike Owen, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for resources, finance and support, added:
“This decision marks a significant step in the growth of ip&e. I look forward to seeing the company continue to grow and play an important part in ensuring Shropshire realises its full potential.”
This decision follows the transfer of the council’s Media, PR and Marketing service (ThreeSixty Communications) to ip&e in August 2013.
Further information
The business design team helps services and clients to better understand the experience of customers, works with them to identify opportunities to design what they do in innovative ways which firmly focus on the customer, and to analyse and implement the changes.
Bright Lake Consulting Limited is the council’s appointed contractor, supporting and building on redesign work, by providing expert advice, and ensuring people right across the council have the skills they need to work in different ways. The council’s contract with Bright Lake is intended to transfer to ip&e Limited as part of the transfer of services.
The programme management office is a team of project and programme managers responsible for co-ordinating the council’s plans for change.