All change for Shropshire HomePoint
Shropshire HomePoint, a partnership overseeing the Housing Waiting List, is seeing multiple changes to the way they work. Changes to how you can bid for an available home and get advice, alongside several other changes to the Allocations Policy on how homes are allocated, come into effect on Wednesday 26 March 2014.
The changes to the Housing Allocation Policy update how the Choice-Based Letting System operates, including changes to applying for social and affordable housing, and alterations to the criteria affecting an applicant’s housing priority status on the register. Changes to an applicant’s ‘bedroom entitlement’ have also been brought in to reflect national changes to housing law and the nationally recognised ‘bedroom standard’.
Robert Macey, Shropshire Councillor responsible for HomePoint, said:
“There are some important changes within the new scheme; for example, increased preference for rehousing will be given to those underoccupying their home. Shropshire residents will also have increased preference, while there is reduced preference for households with resources worth more than £63,000. People will have a bit longer to place their bids as there will be a seven-day bidding cycle rather than the current six-day cycle. Guidance is being provided to applicants to ensure they can make the most of the new scheme.”
As well as the changes to the Allocation Policy, an extra feature to the new computer system, called Housing Solutions, will be introduced which offers much more to applicants.
Robert Macey explained:
“Until now, Shropshire HomePoint has basically been a register of people who need affordable housing in Shropshire – giving them the chance to bid for available houses. But we wanted to improve this, and make it easier for people to get even more help. Now, it’s much easier for a user to learn of which type of housing is most readily available to them personally.
“The new system will now give people much more than simply holding the register. For example, when people sign up online they enter details about their household and circumstances. The new system analyses this information and offers tailored advice and options, specific to their situation, and produces a Personal Action Plan. The new system allows for people who might need to be in contact with other services to be linked into them as part of this process, making it easier for them to get all the assistance they need.”
Those already registered with HomePoint have been re-registering since November 2013 and have been able to seek information since then. Applicants are currently being sent their new reference number, along with details of their banding, their registration date and their bedroom entitlement. If you wish to remain on the housing register, but haven’t re-registered yet, you still have time to do so but must be quick, as the outdated applications will be cancelled when the new system comes into effect on 26 March.
For more information you can contact the Shropshire HomePoint team by calling 0300 303 8595 or via email at
Further information
About Shropshire HomePoint:
Shropshire HomePoint is a partnership between Shropshire Council and Shropshire Housing Group. Shropshire HomePoint holds and maintains the countywide Housing Register and advertises properties of member landlords that become available for letting and sale and to determine allocation of housing stock through a choice-based lettings scheme.
About the Allocation Scheme:
The purpose of the Allocation Scheme is to determine the degree of housing need and priority for housing of those people seeking affordable housing in Shropshire.
Shropshire HomePoint does not actually allocate housing. Once it is determined who has greatest priority for a property that has been advertised through Shropshire HomePoint, the relevant landlord will review applications, check the information that has been provided on the application form is correct, and then make an offer of accommodation based on eligibility, level of housing need and date of registration on the Shropshire HomePoint Housing Register.
The new Allocation Scheme in full, a short guide download and an introductory video by Councillor Robert Macey can be found at