Wem young people: what’s important to you?
This month Shropshire Council is taking to the streets of Wem and its surrounding areas to gain a better understanding of what is important to young people living in the area, and what activities they would like to see available to them.
Shropshire Council is committed to ensuring as many young people as possible can access a wide range of activities, after school, at weekends and in the school holidays. In order to continue to improve outcomes for young people in a sustainable way, we are offering all young people between the ages of 10 and 19, who live in and around Wem, the opportunity to tell us what they think should be happening in their area.
In conjunction with a film artist, there will be various filming sessions taking place where young people can come and have their voice heard. Filming sessions will be:
Tuesday 11 February 2014 – 6.45pm – 8.30pm at Shawbury Youth Club
Saturday 15 February 2014 – 10am – 3pm at Wem Youth Club and Wem town centre
Thursday 20 February 2014 on the Youth Bus:
- 10am – 11am at Wem Co-op Car Park
- 12pm – 1pm at Shawbury Car Park
- 1.30pm – 2.30pm at Hadnall Village Hall Car Park
- 3pm – 4pm at Myddle Lay-by, opposite Red Lion
- 4.30pm – 5.30pm at Loppington Village Hall Car Park
Alternatively, young people can make their own short film and send the link to youthfeedback2014@gmail.com (closing date: Friday 28 February 2014)
A ‘film premiere’ of the footage will take place on Tuesday 25 March 2014, 6.30pm – 8pm at Wem Town Hall, where both young people and other members of the community are invited to come and have their say.
Ann Hartley, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for children’s services – transformation and safeguarding, said:
“It is so important for young people and other community members living in Wem to be involved with shaping the future of youth activities. This will be a great opportunity to empower young people, and let their voice be heard. Therefore I urge as many people as possible to attend one or more of the sessions, or record their own video and send it in.”
For more information, and for copies of the film/photograph consent form, please email Sue Thomas – Community Action Officer: sue.j.thomas@shropshire.gov.uk.