Sign up and support White Ribbon Campaign
Shropshire’s Safer Stronger Communities Partnership is urging local residents to support this year’s White Ribbon Campaign.
The international campaign, which began on Monday 25 November 2013 and runs for 16 days, is inviting Shropshire men, women and children to give their pledge, sign up and say no to domestic abuse and sexual violence.
45% of UK women have experienced some form of domestic abuse and sexual violence or stalking, with 76% of all domestic abuse incidents being repeats. There are still, on average, two women a week in England and Wales killed by their violent partner or ex-partner.
Shropshire’s pledge is to sign up 10,000 people to show their support for the campaign. By signing up, you’ll be showing you’re strong enough to say no to domestic abuse and sexual violence.
The partnership, which includes West Mercia Police, the Probation Service and Shropshire Council, will be providing white ribbons to their staff in support of the campaign. There will also be a white ribbon stand throughout the 16 days of action at Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury.
The White Ribbon Campaign was created by men, for men, to take a stand together against the violence committed by men towards women and girls. The campaign aims to:
- address and change social norms that lead to violent behaviour against women
- involve men in prevention activities
- increase awareness of the issue
- provide services aimed at reducing the incidence of domestic violence
- mobilise entire local communities to end violence against women.
Steve Charmley, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member responsible for public protection, said:
“The Safer Stronger Communities Partnership is committed to raising awareness about domestic abuse and challenging the culture around violence.
“As well as asking people to sign up to the campaign and show their support by wearing a white ribbon, we also want people to speak out and condemn all forms of physical and verbal abuse against women and girls.
“Domestic violence is a serious crime which we will not tolerate. I will be pledging my support and signing up to the White Ribbon Campaign, and strongly encourage everyone in Shropshire to do the same and show their support to reducing domestic abuse in all its forms.”
Jo Berry, public protection officer at Shropshire Council, added:
“Whilst the White Ribbon Campaign nationally is focused on ending violence against women and girls and is directed at men, we in Shropshire want to eliminate violence against all sexes, recognising that it has devastating effects on women, children and men.
“Please join thousands of others by giving us your pledge to raise awareness of domestic abuse and sexual violence, and the effect it has on its victims. Please encourage your friends and family to sign up too. By pledging your support, you can make a difference.”
To pledge your support go to the Shropshire White Ribbon Campaign page at
If you’re suffering abuse, there are people who can help you. Facing up to the fact that you have an abusive partner can be hard, but it’s important that you get help as soon as you can. If you are concerned about domestic abuse and need advice you can call the 24hour domestic abuse helpline on 0800 783 1359.
Further information can be found on the Freedom Shropshire website at Freedom Shropshire is designed to enable people who live and work in Shropshire to access relevant and up-to-date information on domestic abuse.
Further information
- Two women are killed a week by their partner or ex-partner
- 76% of all domestic abuse incidents are repeats
- Women experience an average of 35 incidents of domestic abuse before reporting to the police
- Approximately 80,000 women suffer rape and attempted rape every year
- Domestic abuse in the UK is estimated to cost victims, services and the state £23 billion a year
- 19% of women have experienced stalking since the age of 16
- At least 750,000 children a year witness domestic abuse
- Domestic abuse makes up 22% of all violent crime
- Both women and men with a long-term illness or disability are more likely to be victims of any domestic abuse
- Over 400,000 women and 80,000 men in England and Wales are estimated to have suffered a sexual assault or attempted sexual assault in the last year
- 1 in 3 rapes recorded by police involve child victims under the age of 16
- In 2011/12 it is estimated that around 1 in 5 women (19.6%) and 2.7% of men had suffered a sexual assault since the age of 16 (ONS 2012)
- The perpetrators of sexual violence are most often known to victims: over half of all female victims in 2009/10 were assaulted by partners or ex partners. 14% were assaulted by strangers. 90% of victims of rape will know the perpetrator. (HO 2005)
- Around 21% of girls and 11% of boys experience some form of sexual abuse (MoJ & ONS 2013) Trafficked Children
- Children with disabilities are around 3 times more likely to experience physical and sexual violence than their peers without a disability. (DOH 2012)
Shropshire’s Safer Stronger Communities Partnership was set up as part of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, to tackle and reduce crime and disorder in the county.
Partners include:
- Shropshire Council
- Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group
- Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service
- West Mercia Police
- Probation Service