Celebrations for Care Leavers Week
Shropshire Council celebrated National Care Leavers Week by holding a fundraising event at Shrewsbury Sports Village to raise money for Children in Need. The day’s activities, including an inflatable assault course, were chosen and planned by young people with the Corporate Parenting Panel.
Ann Hartley, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for children’s services – transformation and safeguarding, took part in the activities and said:
“We decided to mark this event to show just how important we feel supporting this group of young people is. It is an opportunity to take a break from the challenges the children in care and care leavers face, and do something fun with them.
“The week is also about focussing our minds on the support needed for these vulnerable individuals, and raising public awareness about a group who face a particular set of challenges as they enter adult life.”
National Care Leavers Week aims to raise awareness about the needs and particular challenges these vulnerable people face – both when in care and leaving. For the agencies and people who provide care, the week helps them work closer together and keep on improving the quality of care they give by exchanging ideas and practices.
The achievements of the children looked after by Shropshire Council were celebrated at an awards evening held at Shrewsbury Town FC. 190 of the children were nominated for an award, for a range of accomplishments. The nominees were between the ages of 3 and 23, and celebrated the evening along with their carers, social workers, friends and family. The children and young people received awards for a range of things, such as learning to swim or studying towards a master’s degree.
Laura Tomkinson, a care leaver who won an award for her contribution to the Children in Care Council, was honoured to be attending the evening, and said:
“I’ve had a really good night and I think it’s a great way to show everybody the good things that kids in care can do.”