05/11/2013 - Permalink

Applications going to North planning committee on 12 November 2013

Related topics: Community / Democracy

The following planning applications will be considered by Shropshire Council’s North planning committee at its meeting at the Castle View, Oswestry, on Tuesday 12 November 2013, starting at 2pm.

The meeting is open to the public and all are welcome to attend.  To see the full agenda and reports, click here  

Horton Gate land off B4397, Horton, Wem, Shropshire – 12/02985/OUT

Outline application for the erection of an agricultural worker’s dwelling; formation of new vehicular access.

57 Vyrnwy Road, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 1NS – 13/03825/FUL

Erection of single storey rear extension. 

The Berringtons Farm, Newport Road, Woodseaves, Market Drayton, Shropshire – 13/03625/FUL

Change of use of domestic garage/storage building to form a self-contained holiday unit; formation of car parking area and installation of septic tank.

Land adjoining Croft Cottage, Moors Lane, St Martins Moor, Oswestry, Shropshire – 13/01233/OUT

Outline application for the erection of a detached dwelling. 

Proposed residential development rear of Maesercroft, Kinnerley, Shropshire – 13/03217/FUL

Erection of 10 dwellings together with landscaping and associated car parking. 

Decisions will be made available after the meeting on our online planning register which you can search by using the appropriate reference number or keyword.