Central planning committee decisions – 12 September 2013
The following planning decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s central planning committee at its meeting on Thursday 12 September 2013 in Shrewsbury.
Sutton Grange, Oteley Road, Shrewsbury – 13/00893/FUL
Mixed residential development (291 dwellings) with associated drainage and road infrastructure including areas of public open space and play area and demolition of existing farm buildings.
Decision: Approved, subject to S106 agreement to secure financial contributions towards infrastructure-transport-community facilities associated with the whole of the Shrewsbury south SUE, securing the provision of affordable housing and Shrewsbury Town Council (or other appropriate arrangements) control of the Reabrook Valley Nature Conservation, wildlife corridor and public amenity open space areas within the development, in accordance with the officer’s recommendations, with authority delegated to the Area Planning Manager to vary conditions relating to the maintenance of the open space and play areas if necessary in the light of ongoing discussions with the applicant and Shrewsbury Town Council, and subject to the following additional condition:
34. Before first occupation of the dwelling on plot 144 the bat loft within the detached garage for that plot shall be provided in accordance with the details shown on drawing number 399/BAT/01, and the bat loft shall thereafter be maintained in place for the lifetime of the development.
Reason: To promote the protection and recovery of priority species populations which include bats, which are a European Protected Species.
Land East Of Woodcote Way, Shrewsbury – 13/01876/FUL
Residential development comprising 42 dwellings; formation of vehicular access, visibility splay and estate roads; formation of play area; landscaping scheme including works to trees.
Decision: Approved, subject to a Section 106 legal agreement to secure onsite and offsite affordable housing, and for the maintenance of the public open space – in accordance with the officer’s recommendations, and subject to an additional condition prohibiting the use of Dale Road by construction traffic.
Polemere Farm, Yockleton – 13/02479/FUL
Erection of an occupancy restricted dwelling and associated yard and stables.
Decision: Approved, subject to a Section 106 legal agreement to secure the affordability of the dwelling in perpetuity and the revocation of planning consent 11/04710/FUL – in accordance with the officer’s recommendations, and subject to the inclusion of additional conditions and other things recommended by the council’s Ecology Officer and a condition requiring the occupation of the stables prior to the occupation of the dwelling.
Exchange Hotel, Bellstone, Shrewsbury – 13/02552/FUL
Formation of outside terrace incorporating a 1.1m high clear glazed screen and reinstatement of original door opening.
Decision: Refused – in accordance with the officer’s recommendations.
The Old Dairy, 33 Highfields, Shrewsbury – 13/02582/FUL
Change of use from disused council land to domestic curtilage.
Decision: Approved – in accordance with the officer’s recommendations.
For further information relating to each of the decisions go to our online planning register and search for an application by using the appropriate reference number or keyword