01/08/2013 - Permalink

Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing tenants express their views in Westminster

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News from our partners Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing

Two tenants from Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing got the opportunity to speak to Government officials at a recent political meeting in Westminster. 

Nicki Barker, Chair of Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing, along with fellow tenant Board Member Charlotte Parry, were invited to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Arm’s Length Management Organisations (ALMOs) last month (July 2013).

An ALMO is a not-for-profit company that provides housing services on behalf of a council.  Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing Ltd became one of England’s newest ALMOs this year, when the company took responsibility for the management of all 4,200 Shropshire Council-owned homes in the Oswestry and Bridgnorth areas in April 2013.

The purpose of the APPG for ALMOs is to promote the benefits of ALMOs; to seek the further development of ALMOs; to provide a forum for discussion by parliamentarians about issues relevant to ALMOs; and to provide access to parliamentarians by ALMO residents.  One of the key features of the group, which comprises of 20 MPs, is to invite tenants to come to meetings to participate in discussions and make their views known directly to MPs, Peers and ministers.

Nicki and Charlotte met with Paul Downey, Deputy Director of Affordable Housing Management and Standards, responsible for ALMO business in the Department for Communities and Local Government.  They were also greeted by Mike Green, Daniel Kawczynski’s Parliamentary Secretary, in his Parliamentary office. 

The meeting, chaired by MP, Clive Betts discussed the future of ALMOs and some of the issues faced by ALMOs, such as the introduction of welfare reforms.

One of Nicki’s questions focused on how the Government was dealing with the impact on tenants in response to welfare reforms.  Although the Government have not done an Impact Assessment, they informed Nicki they are monitoring the effects as they impact on people.  Mr Downey, however, was interested in the way ALMOs are using twitter to engage with their audiences to find out the impact in their day-to day-lives. 

The group also reassured the invitees that if they can let them know of the obstacles faced by ALMOs going forward, then the Government would pledge to remove them.   

Nicki Barker, Chair of Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing Ltd, commented on the meeting, saying:

“This was a great opportunity, and I was really excited to be in the Parliamentary grounds and Estate on such local business.  I thought it was a very interesting and useful meeting, to be in at the cutting edge of Government policy.  ALMOS need to be creative and positive in their response to Government reform, working with the Government in moving forward in the best way forward within the boundaries set.

“I got the clear impression that the Government is impressed with the ALMO movement, and though some ALMOS are returning in-house, the general view is ALMOS are performing well.

“It was a privilege to represent Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing and our local tenants to Government, getting our concerns across.  Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing received a huge warm welcome from all present as the newest ALMO.  Much interest was shown in us, and we seem to have made a dynamic entry into the ALMO movement.” 

Charlotte Parry added: 

“It was an exciting and enjoyable trip hosted by the APPG for ALMOs, chaired by Clive Betts MP.  Although disappointing that Housing Minister Mark Prisk MP couldn’t attend, Paul Downy, representing him, was very informative and actually answered everyone’s questions and took lots of notes to take back to Parliament.  They were very excited by our question which asked what the Government sees as the future for ALMOs. 

“It was interesting to hear from other ALMOs across the UK and the problems they face, not dissimilar to our own, including the impact of ‘bedroom tax’ and future impact of direct payments.” 

Sue Adams, Managing Director at Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing Ltd, said: 

As well as providing a forum for discussion about issues relevant to the development of ALMOs, the All Party Parliamentary Group for ALMOs ensures that tenants continue to have a voice in the housing debate at Westminster, which in turn help influence Government decisions. 

“I am really encouraged to see that both Nicki and Charlotte made a really positive impact on their visit.”  

For more information about Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing visit the website at www.starhousing.org.uk.  You can also follow us on Facebook by searching for “Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing” or on twitter @star_housing.