One week left to have your say on the SAMDev consultation
The current stage of consultation on the county-wide Site Allocations and Management of Development (SAMDev) Plan comes to an end on Friday 23 August. Following the extensive consultation that took place during 2012, this current stage has given
local people the chance to have their say on the “Revised Preferred Options” of
the plan. After the consultation closes next week, the Council will take into
account all comments received, and prepare the final version of the SAMDev plan
later this year, before consideration by a Planning Inspector in 2014.
Mal Price, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member responsible for planning, said:
“The current consultation will be of the utmost value in shaping the future of the county’s development and we will carefully consider all responses. We have explained how we have changed plans for development as a result of last year’s consultation, and taking into account what the public have said we have proposed some new options that better meet the needs of the public whilst managing the national requirement for development.”
Shropshire Council is urging everyone that lives, works or visits Shropshire and has an interest in the developments, to take a look at the plans and let us know your thoughts.
All documents relating to SAMDev, including how you can submit comments, can be found by visiting