New Ludlow ring and ride bus service to be launched
A new ring and ride bus service is being launched in Ludlow this weekend thanks to hard work from people in the community to get it off the ground.
People are now being encouraged to sign up to the ‘Ludlow Traveller’ to ensure the area gets the most out of the service, which is due to start on 7 October 2013 and is being funded by a Government sustainable transport grant awarded to Shropshire Council.
The service will use a 14-seater minibus and a wheelchair-accessible people carrier to take people from their door to their destination to go shopping, meet friends, make medical appointments or go on group outings.
To use the bus, people need to register and pay a £12 annual membership fee, with trips then costing £1 for a single journey and £2 for a return. Children would pay 50p for a single and £1 for a return. (There is no charge for registering a child aged under 16).
Group membership will cost £30 a year, with mileage of £1.25 per mile.
The service will be launched at the Ludlow Green Festival in Castle Square from 10am on Sunday 25 August 2013.
A steering group, made up of Shropshire Council officers, councillors and interested Ludlow groups, has planned and will oversee the project.
Chair of the group, Councillor Rosanna Taylor-Smith, said:
“A lot of people have worked very hard to get us to this point, and they deserve credit for bringing an important service to the Ludlow area. It’s really important now that anyone interested in using the Ludlow Traveller signs up, because the service needs support to flourish in the future.”
To register, email or call 01743 253008.
The service will be run by an existing Shropshire community transport scheme which will register new members and bookings. Routes and schedules will be based on passenger requests and the availability of drivers.
Councillor Claire Wild, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for transport, added:
“The Ludlow Traveller is a great example of what communities can do, with the help of local councillors, to provide services specifically tailored for their area. The removal of the countywide Shropshire Link service has been well-documented, and initiatives like this can provide a viable alternative in a much more cost-effective way because they are designed by local people for local people.
“If you are an individual group or business and would be interested in using the service or becoming a volunteer driver we would be delighted to hear from you.”
Anyone interested can email or ring 01743 253008.