Central planning committee decisions – 15 August 2013
The following planning decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s central planning committee at its meeting on Thursday 15 August 2013 in Shrewsbury.
Land At Hereford Road, Shrewsbury – 12/02498/OUT
Outline application for the erection of a Class A1 foodstore with associated car parking, servicing facilities and replacement of garage workshop to include means of access.
Decision: REFUSED – in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations.
Heaths Houses, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury – 13/00460/FUL
Erection of 41 dwellings (including 6 affordable) to include formation of access road, parking areas and landscaped communal areas following demolition of all existing buildings.
Decision: APPROVED SUBJECT TO S106 AGREEMENT TO SECURE AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING CONTRIBUTION – in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations.
Gunn J C B Ltd Earthmover House, 1 Battlefield Road, Shrewsbury – 13/02343/FUL
Erection of two restaurants (A3 use class) with associated servicing, parking, landscaping and associated works following demolition of existing.
Decision: Consideration DEFERRED to the next meeting, with MEMBERS MINDED TO REFUSE the application in view of the proposed access/egress arrangements, for the Area Planning Manager to prepare an advisory report on reasons for refusal and explore with the applicant the provision of access/egress to and from the site from Arlington Way, instead of Battlefield Road.
Garages At Former MEB Substation, Copthorne Road, Shrewsbury – 13/02712/FUL
Change of use of garage into living accommodation and associated alterations.
Decision: REFUSED – contrary to the Officer’s recommendations for the following reasons:
The proposed development is not considered to be appropriate in terms of scale, pattern and design, taking into account the local context and character, and its position within the Shrewsbury Conservation Area. Accordingly the proposal fails to accord with the requirements of adopted Policy CS6 of the Shropshire Core Strategy and Government advice within Section 7 of the NPPF.
Land East Of Woodcote Way Shrewsbury – 13/01876/FUL
Residential development comprising 42 dwellings; formation of vehicular access, visibility splay and estate roads; formation of play area; landscaping scheme including works to trees.
Decision: Consideration DEFERRED to the next meeting, with MEMBERS MINDED TO APPROVE the application following the receipt of updated information and revised plans, for the Area Planning Manager to prepare a final report on the scheme with conditions.
For further information relating to each of the decisions go to our online planning register and search for an application by using the appropriate reference number or keyword