08/08/2013 - Permalink

Calling all princes and princesses to the Holy Trinity Children’s Centre in Oswestry

Related topics: Community

Holy Trinity Children’s Centre in Oswestry is hosting princes and princesses events for children under five.  The free events will provide children and their siblings with a chance to explore lots of books about princes and princesses, make their own crowns and even magic potions.

The events, organised by Shropshire Council’s Sure Start children ccntres, are taking place on Wednesday 21 August 2013 and Friday 23 August 2013, both 9am till 11.15am.  The children can dress as princes or princesses and take part in a special story and song time.

Ann Hartley, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for children’s services – transformation and safeguarding, said:

“This is a fun and exciting way to provide activities for families in Oswestry over the summer holidays and to introduce families to children’s centre activities.  Play is an essential part of a child’s learning and development, as well as being enjoyable for parents and carers.  I would encourage local families to come along, take part and have some fun.”

Martin Bennett, a local Shropshire Councillor for Oswestry East, added:

“I am pleased that we have been able to provide some free activities for children in the area.  I hope that families will take advantage of something that will not be absolutely reliant on the weather, or cost them,  and that everyone will have a magical time.”

Alex Klages, children’s centre area leader (north west), said:

“Please come and have lots of fun playing as a family at our special ‘princes and princesses’ event, and meet the welcoming staff at your local children’s centre.”

Children’s centres host stay and play sessions for families with under-fives on Wednesdays and Fridays, and support workers are available to provide a range of advice and information.  The events are free and take place at Holy Trinity Children’s Centre in Oswestry throughout the year.

For further information about the Princes and Princesses event, and local Stay and Play groups, contact Sure Start children’s centre services on 01691 656513 or visit the website shropshire.gov.uk/surestartchildrencentres.nsf.