Central planning committee decisions – 17 July 2013
The following planning decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s Central planning committee at its meeting on Wednesday 17 July 2013 in Shrewsbury.
Land at Hereford Road, Shrewsbury – 12/02498/OUT
Outline Application for the erection of a Class A1 foodstore with associated car parking, servicing facilities and replacement of garage workshop to include means of access.
Decision: Consideration deferred to the next meeting, with members minded to refuse the application, for the Area Planning Manager to prepare an advisory report on reasons for refusal.
55 Trinity Street, Shrewsbury – 12/05105/FUL
Erection of a detached dwelling including detached garage with new vehicular access.
Decision: Approved, subject to S106 agreement to secure an affordable housing contribution – in accordance with the officer’s recommendations; subject to the inclusion of an informative advising the applicant to strongly consider the installation of a domestic sprinkler system in the new dwelling.
Gonsal Quarry, Condover – 13/00336/EIA
Phased extension to Gonsal Quarry and restoration for nature conservation benefits together with the retention of existing plant, silt lagoons and haul route.
Decision: Approved, subject to S106 agreement to secure extended aftercare, formation of a steering group, traffic management, a highway maintenance contribution and a public footpath – in accordance with the officer’s recommendations, and subject to the following additional condition:
10c. No heavy goods vehicles shall wait in the vicinity of the site entrance outside the opening hours specified in condition 10a above.
Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the area.
6 The Old Barns, Habberley – 13/01299/FUL
Installation of 4No replacement windows.
Decision: Refused – in accordance with the officer’s recommendations.
6 The Old Barns, Habberley – 13/01300/LBC
Installation of 4No replacement windows affecting a Grade II Listed Building.
Decision: Refused – in accordance with the officer’s recommendations.
Besford House, 42 Trinity Street, Shrewsbury – 13/01313/FUL
Conversion of existing building to form 2No dwellings (to include some demolition); erection of 9 No dwellings; formation of parking areas and estate road; remedial works to trees.
Decision: Approved, subject to S106 agreement to secure an affordable housing contribution – in accordance with the officer’s recommendations.
Land Opposite The Gouters, Cross Houses – 13/01780/FUL
Application under Section 73a of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the change of use of agricultural land to form BMX dirt track.
Decision: Approved – in accordance with the officer’s recommendations, subject to:
An additional condition requiring that the area of the application site to be used as a BMX track is restricted to the hatched area on the submitted block plan.
Condition 5 being amended to read:
“Before the facility hereby approved is first brought into use the surfacing of the access between the carriageway edge and the entrance gate shall be improved by digging out the existing surface to a depth of 200mm and replaced with a consolidated type 1 sub base.
Reason: To ensure the formation and construction of a satisfactory access in the interests of highway safety.”
Condition 8 being amended to read:
“No lighting shall be erected at the site and the BMX cycle track shall not be used outside the hours of 0900 hours and 2100 hours.
Reason: In order to preserve the tranquillity of the area outside daylight hours.”
Land East Of Woodcote Way, Shrewsbury – 13/01876/FUL
Residential development comprising 42 dwellings; formation of vehicular access, visibility splay and estate roads; formation of play area; landscaping scheme including works to trees.
Decision: Consideration deferred to the next meeting, with members minded to refuse the application, for the Area Planning Manager to prepare an advisory report on reasons for refusal; for the applicant to review aspects of the scheme raised by Members – including the impact of flooding, access to the proposed development and the effect on local traffic congestion and highway safety and the siting of the play area; and for the Environment Agency’s views to be obtained.
For further information relating to each of the decisions go to our online planning register and search for an application by using the appropriate reference number or keyword