Basic IT drop-in sessions and Internet café in Broseley
The Birchmeadow Centre in Broseley is hosting IT drop-in sessions for beginners, and an Internet cafe for all IT users, on Thursday mornings starting Thursday 9 May 2013. The sessions will run for six weeks initially depending on interest, starting at 10am and finishing at midday.
Help and support is available for those who are new to using a computer; everything from switching on a computer to using the Internet and email, to setting up a twitter account. Participants are welcome to bring their own laptop or touch screen device from home. There are also computers available at the centre to use.
For anyone who is confident with their IT skills and just wants to come along to use the laptops and Internet connection to check email, Facebook or search for jobs, please come along and make use of the facilities.
Tea and biscuits are available and sessions are free of charge. There is no need to book, just turn up. For more information please contact Linda on 07582 002063 or Sara on 01743 252571.