Call for funding applications by Cleobury Rural LJC
Voluntary groups and organisations from Cleobury rural areas are being invited to submit their community chest and Local Joint Committee (LJC) funding applications by Friday 10 May 2013.
Groups and organisations wishing to submit a community chest or an LJC application for funding should send a completed application form to Shropshire Council’s community action officer, Tracy Johnson, at Community Action, Shropshire Council, Cantern Brook, Stanley Lane, Bridgnorth, WV16 4SF.
Received applications for this round of funding allocation will be considered before the next LJC meeting on Thursday 4 July 2013 at 7 pm at Burford Village Hall.
The LJC would like to reach out to local groups within our geographic area, especially those in the parishes which have projects in the planning stages and those who have not applied for funding before.
Cleobury Rural LJC has funded several projects over the last 12 months, for example the 1st Cleobury Mortimer Scouts for new equipment, South Shropshire Youth forum for youth work in the area, Kinlet Village Hall Car Park, Cleobury Country Historic Core and Market project and the Defibrillator Project.
The community chest fund awarded St Mary’s Youth Project money for their Life Skills project, and Milson and Neen Sollars Parish Council money to fund a Jubilee garden in the village. They also awarded funds to Milson Parochial Church Council to provide a community programme of event at the Church, and Cleobury Country and Chamber Trade to set up a loyalty card scheme.
Please contact Tracy Johnson, Shropshire Council’s community action officer on 01743 257862, mobile: 07582 004016 or email for information on how to apply for funding to assist your group.
Cleobury Rural LJC is made up of Shropshire Councillors, and local parish councillors from Burford, Boraston, Coreley, Cleobury Mortimer, Farlow and Oreton, Hopton Wafers, Neen Savage, Kinlet, Milson and Neen Sollars, Wheathill, Stottesdon and Sidbury.